Stay With Me P.187 (Johnle)💖

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Johnny and Chenle stood on the basketball court, a warm breeze ruffling their hair as they prepared for a game with their fellow NCT members. It was one of those rare break days when they had no promotions or hectic schedules, and they decided to spend it playing the sport they loved. Jeno, Chenle, and Yuta were on one team, while Johnny, Sungchan, and Shotaro formed the other. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the court. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air as they warmed up, passing the basketball to one another. The anticipation of a competitive game was tangible.

Chenle had always been an exceptional basketball player, and his nimble movements and sharp instincts made him a force to be reckoned with. Johnny had a competitive spirit, but he was well aware that going up against Chenle wasn't going to be easy. It was a friendly match, but neither of them liked to lose. As they started the game, it was clear from the beginning that Chenle's team had the upper hand. He dribbled the ball with grace, weaving through defenders effortlessly. Johnny, Sungchan, and Shotaro were struggling to keep up. Jeno and Yuta, with their teamwork and experience, were making it even more challenging.

The score was lopsided, and frustration was starting to brew on Johnny's side. He had always been a competitive person, and the fact that they were losing wasn't sitting well with him. The struggle for victory weighed heavily on his mind. Chenle, on the other hand, was enjoying every moment. He loved the feeling of the ball in his hands, the rush of the game, and the challenge it presented. But he could also see that Johnny was getting increasingly frustrated, and he didn't want their friendly match to turn sour.

As the game continued, Chenle's team maintained their lead. Johnny's frustration continued to build, and his desire to win at all costs overpowered his usual cool and collected demeanor. The game became more intense, the competition fierce, and the air was charged with tension. Johnny saw an opening, a brief moment when Chenle's focus wavered for just a second. With a burst of determination, he seized the opportunity. Johnny lunged forward, reaching for the ball, and as he did, their faces drew dangerously close. In a spur of the moment decision, driven by both frustration and a deep, hidden longing, Johnny kissed Chenle on the lips.

Time seemed to stand still. The other players froze in disbelief. Johnny and Chenle locked eyes, their hearts racing, as if caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Chenle's expression shifted from surprise to something deeper, a mix of confusion, desire, and vulnerability. The kiss had a profound impact on both of them. It was a sudden, unexpected revelation of their hidden feelings. Johnny had always been fond of Chenle, but he'd buried those emotions deep within, never daring to acknowledge them. Chenle, too, had been grappling with his own unspoken attraction to Johnny.

Amidst the stunned silence of their teammates, Johnny finally found his voice. "Chenle," he said, his tone filled with uncertainty, "I... I've had these feelings for you, and I didn't know how to... how to express them."

Chenle was still lost in the moment, his eyes searching Johnny's for sincerity. "Johnny," he admitted with a quiver in his voice, "I've felt the same way for a while, too."

Their confession hung in the air, charged with a mix of tension and a newfound sense of understanding. It was a pivotal moment, one that would change the dynamics of their relationship forever. 

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now