Stay With Me P.128 (Taejun)💖

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It was the summer of 2019 when Xiaojun first laid eyes on Taeyong. They were both part of the sprawling NCT family, a K-pop juggernaut that was taking the world by storm. Xiaojun was a newcomer to the scene, still finding his footing amidst the dazzling lights and thunderous cheers of their adoring fans. Taeyong, on the other hand, was already a seasoned veteran, his name synonymous with charisma and talent.

The first time Xiaojun saw Taeyong, he was struck by an almost palpable aura that seemed to surround the older idol. Taeyong moved with a grace and confidence that were nothing short of intimidating. His stage presence was magnetic, drawing all eyes to him whenever he stepped into the spotlight. Xiaojun couldn't help but feel like a small fish in a vast ocean when he was around Taeyong.

But what Xiaojun didn't realize was that he, too, had an aura of his own, though it was a different kind. He had an air of mystery and quiet determination that intrigued those who took the time to notice. Taeyong, for all his fame and success, found himself strangely drawn to the enigmatic younger idol. There was something about Xiaojun that piqued his curiosity, something that made him want to get to know the boy behind the quiet exterior.

In those early days, neither Xiaojun nor Taeyong made much effort to approach each other. They moved in different circles within the NCT family, and it seemed as though their paths rarely crossed. Xiaojun was content to watch Taeyong from afar, admiring him from a distance, while Taeyong was too preoccupied with his own responsibilities to pay much attention to the new kid on the block.


Years passed, and NCT continued to evolve and grow. They went through ups and downs, shared triumphs and challenges, but Xiaojun and Taeyong remained on the periphery of each other's lives. It wasn't until the NCT 2023 Golden Age concert that their paths finally converged in a way that neither of them could have predicted.

The Golden Age concert was a momentous occasion, a celebration of NCT's journey from humble beginnings to global stardom. It was a time for all the members to come together and showcase their talents on a grand stage. As the event drew nearer, the excitement and anticipation within the group were palpable.

Xiaojun had been rehearsing tirelessly for his solo performance, pouring his heart and soul into every note and dance move. He wanted to prove himself on this grand stage, to show that he was not just a newcomer anymore but a force to be reckoned with. As he practiced late into the night, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness that he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Taeyong, too, had been immersed in preparations for the concert. He was known for his perfectionism, always pushing himself to be better with each performance. The weight of his responsibilities as a leader and a senior member of NCT rested heavily on his shoulders. He wanted the Golden Age concert to be a success not just for himself but for the entire group.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now