Stay With Me P.117 (Xiaohyuck)💖

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NCT's journey through the Resonance Era had been nothing short of extraordinary. The members were not only creating groundbreaking music but were also forming deep bonds that transcended the boundaries of a typical boy band. Among the myriad of friendships and connections forged during this time, one, in particular, was about to blossom into something truly beautiful. Xiaojun, with his ethereal vocals and striking stage presence, had always been a standout member of NCT. He possessed a quiet charm that drew people in, and his magnetic aura was hard to ignore. It was during the era of "Make A Wish," when Xiaojun's vocals took center stage, that Donghyuck couldn't help but be captivated.

The Resonance Era was marked by its powerful performances and mesmerizing visuals. Donghyuck, with his own charismatic presence, had been busy with his own responsibilities within the group. But one evening, as he watched Xiaojun take the stage during a rehearsal, something shifted within him. Xiaojun's voice, filled with emotion and raw talent, resonated deep within Donghyuck's heart. The rehearsal room was dimly lit, and the air was charged with anticipation. As Xiaojun belted out his lines, Donghyuck found himself drawn to the sound, like a moth to a flame. The emotions conveyed through Xiaojun's singing were so genuine, so pure, that it was impossible not to be moved by them. Donghyuck realized that he had never truly appreciated Xiaojun's vocal prowess until that moment.

After the rehearsal, Donghyuck couldn't contain his admiration any longer. He approached Xiaojun with a warm smile, his heart still echoing with the melodies he had just heard.

"Xiaojun, that was incredible," Donghyuck said earnestly, his eyes reflecting his genuine admiration. "Your voice... it's like magic."

Xiaojun, who had been wiping sweat from his brow, looked up in surprise at Donghyuck's praise. He blushed slightly, his modesty showing through. "Oh, Donghyuck, you're too kind. It's all thanks to the amazing song and our team's hard work."

Donghyuck chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, Xiaojun, your voice is a gift. I mean it."

From that day on, a new connection was formed between Xiaojun and Donghyuck. They began to spend more time together, not just during rehearsals and performances but also during their downtime. They found that they had a lot in common, from their taste in music to their sense of humor. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, and their laughter filled the empty spaces between words. As the Resonance Era continued, their friendship deepened. They became confidants, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears with each other. It was a bond built on trust and understanding, and it gave them a sense of solace amidst the chaos of their hectic lives as idols.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop of their dorm, gazing at the city lights below, Xiaojun turned to Donghyuck with a contemplative expression.

"Donghyuck," Xiaojun began, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Donghyuck turned to him, curious. "What is it, Xiaojun?"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now