Stay With Me P.19 (Nomin) 💖

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Jeno and Jaemin sat in the same old dressing room as they were used to. The same normal stylists getting them ready. And when one would walk out of the room, Jaemin would go over and plant a small kiss onto Jeno's cheek.

Of course, he would get yelled at by the stylist. However, no matter all the complaining he did. Nothing worked. He still got the same kisses planted on his face. With the same race in his heart.

However, he still loves Jaemin to the end of the worlds content.

"Nana baby," whines Jeno grabbing at the others waist.

"Yes Nono baby," Jaemin carts his fingers through the others hair in a soft and subtle way.

"I know you love me. I love you too. But please stop getting me in trouble with our stylist," Jenos famous puppy eyes finding their way to Jaemins eyes.

"But," a small whine finds it's way past Jaemins lips.

"Ok," he shows a small smile. Not too hurting and not to happy.

"Stop giving me that look," Jeno grabs at the others waist.

"But Jeno. You know how it has been for our relationship," Jaemin pouts from the spot on Jenos lap.

Jenos arms wrapped securely around the others petite waist. Head on his shoulder with small puffs of air passing by. A familiar surrounding warmth between the two.

"I know baby, I really do. Its been hard for us to get to this part. But the most trouble is gone now. Everything is ok," Jeno comforts with the small kiss on the others cheek.

"How do you know it's over?" in a small broken voice, Jaemin replies with tears threatening to slip from his eyes in a hot fire.

"Because baby, I do," Jeno sighs trying to comfort the other from his terrible thoughts on the past.

If Jeno could change a lot of the things that have happened. He would. In a heartbeat, however to live and grow he has to live with it and grow from it. However, watching Jaemin still being broken over the situation, it hurts him.

"Baby," he grabs the attention of the other on his lap. Something he has always been able to do.

"Yes Nono," his voice is fragile and weak.

"Tell me the stories of some of those good old days," he rubs a hand calmly on the others back. Trying to not scare him with too sudden movements.

When he feels the other is less tense and a little more happier. He smiles. He hates he can make the other cry, but one thing he is always happy about is he can make him smile.

At least through everything the couple have been through.

All they have needed is each other. In a moment of where they are cuddled up in each other's arms in harmony. Nothing else crazier going on, even if the world around them is going crazy.

"Well," sniffles Jamin a small smile playing his lips," it all started when..."


It all started when Jeno would get this fuzzy feeling when he was around Jaemin. And he didn't question the feeling at first. Because why would he.

By than, Jaemin was to say a confident gay. He freely flirted around with Jeno because he felt feelings when the other was around him. Small playful touches and kisses on the cheek making the other go flush.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now