Stay With Me P. 47 (Winmark)💖

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As the spotlight of fame shone upon them, Sicheng and Mark felt the weight of their dreams materialize into reality. They were like shooting stars, streaking across the sky of stardom, leaving trails of brilliance in their wake. But as they soared higher, their orbits began to shift, pulling them in different directions. The demands of their newfound fame tore at the seams of their once inseparable friendship. In the early days of their journey, Sicheng and Mark were like two stars destined to be in each other's orbit. Their connection was undeniable, their souls seemingly entwined from the very beginning. They were inseparable, always laughing together, sharing secrets, and dreaming of a future where they could conquer the world side by side.

As they blossomed into idols, their bond only deepened. In the depths of their hearts, they longed for the carefree days of their trainee years, when laughter echoed through the practice rooms and they shared dreams like whispers in the dark. They were two halves of a whole, each complementing the other's strengths and weaknesses. Their fellow members couldn't help but notice the way their eyes would light up whenever they were around each other. The fans, too, could see the unbreakable thread that wove them together, and "Winmark" became an endearing ship name that fans celebrated with fervor. The fans celebrated their bond with fan art, fanfictions, and endless words of encouragement.

But as they debuted, the harsh reality of their new lives began to set in. The grueling schedules, constant promotions, and the demands of being K-pop idols took a toll on their once inseparable friendship and their new relationship. They found themselves in different units, often separated by thousands of miles and weeks apart. The other members of their respective units noticed the changes too, like distant observers watching a celestial dance. They saw the subtle shifts in Sicheng's smile, the moments of longing in Mark's eyes. The unspoken connection that had once been so visible seemed to be fading like stars extinguishing in the early morning light. In the vast universe of the K-pop industry, the fans were not blind to the changes either.


For a brief moment, it felt like their love was enough to conquer any obstacle in their path. But as time went on, their once inseparable bond began to stretch thin, pulled in opposite directions by the demands of their careers. They struggled to find time for each other, and even when they managed to steal a few moments together, there was an unspoken tension, a lingering fear that they might be growing apart.

In the depths of his heart, Mark grappled with a sense of longing and anxiety. He couldn't shake the feeling that Sicheng might one day find someone else, someone who could be there for him when Mark couldn't. The thought gnawed at him, a constant ache that refused to be ignored.

During NCT Dream's latest comeback, Mark found himself standing on stage, basking in the adoration of thousands of fans. But amid the bright lights and thunderous cheers, he felt an emptiness that he couldn't shake. He scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar face, a glimmer of reassurance that Sicheng was still there, still watching over him. But Sicheng was miles away, in a different city, cheering for him from a distance.


The night air was cool and crisp as Sicheng stood backstage, peering through the curtains to catch a glimpse of NCT Dream's performance. Their newest release, "ISTJ," was an instant hit, and Sicheng couldn't be prouder of his love, Mark. As the music filled the air and the crowd roared with excitement, Sicheng's heart swelled with mixed emotions.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now