Stay With Me P.45 (Markkun)💖

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Mark and Kun had been acquainted since the inception of NCT, but their connection was never more than a casual nod and a passing smile. They were part of the same group, yet they were like distant stars in the vast universe of NCT members. However, fate had a peculiar way of intertwining lives, and it was the NCT 2020 yearbook that served as the moment for change.

As the members gathered to flip through the pages of the yearbook, memories from the past flooded their minds like a river bursting its banks. The laughter that filled the recording room was infectious, an uncontainable joy that brought them all closer together. In the midst of this exuberance, Kun found himself drawn to Mark's infectious energy, his laughter like a melody that warmed Kun's heart. Kun had always been the quiet observer in the group, preferring to listen and learn from the dynamics of others rather than inserting himself into the spotlight. But something had shifted within him as he spent more time around Mark. Mark's buoyant presence seemed to invite him to shed his reservations, to step out from the shadows and embrace the camaraderie that surrounded them.

In the past, Kun had often kept his thoughts and emotions hidden beneath a calm facade. But the recording room became a safe haven, a sanctuary where he and Mark could confide in each other without fear of judgment. They would sit side by side, sharing stories of their journey, dreams, and fears. For the first time, Kun felt truly seen and understood. Mark's laughter was contagious, and it ignited a fire within Kun. No longer content to fade into the background, he found himself engaging in playful banter with the other members, cracking jokes and lightening the atmosphere during tense moments. The room transformed into a place of comfort, where genuine connections blossomed, and friendships deepened.

As Kun and Mark spent more time together, the walls that once separated them began to crumble. They discovered shared interests and passions, like two stars whose orbits aligned in perfect harmony. Late-night conversations turned into early-morning confessions, and the world outside the studio seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them basking in the glow of newfound companionship. Their bond transcended the bounds of ordinary friendship, and they couldn't deny the magnetic pull drawing them closer. In the midst of laughter and camaraderie, Kun realized that he was falling for Mark. It was a revelation that both thrilled and terrified him, for he feared risking their friendship for something more.


One night, as they lingered in the recording room after everyone else had left, Kun mustered the courage to express his feelings. He recalled the countless memories they had created together, how Mark's presence had changed his life, and how their connection had blossomed like a flower under the moonlight.

"I have something to tell you," Kun began, his voice tinged with nervousness, "and it's not easy for me to say."

Mark's eyes softened, his curiosity piqued. "You can tell me anything, Kun. You know that, right?"

With a deep breath, Kun laid his heart bare. "I've realized that you mean so much more to me than just a friend, Mark. I've fallen in love with you."

There was silence in the room for a moment, and Kun's heart pounded in his chest like the relentless beat of a drum. Then, a tender smile spread across Mark's face, like the first rays of dawn breaking through the darkness.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now