Stay With Me P.16 (Renle)💖

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Humming, Chenle was walking around the dorm happily like he always does. Singing of course a Chinese song, since his Korean has gotten a lot better he still lacks in some areas.

Like now, here he was trying to talk to Taeyong in Korean. And the easiest to say, the older was very confused.

"Here I got it Taeyong," laughing in walks Renjun, Chenle's boyfriend.

As the two conversed in Chinese, luckily Renjun was able to save him and ask Renjun the question he really wanted to.

"Thank you Junnie," Chenle looked to the other softly.

"No problem my adorable little Chennie," cooed Renjun. With a quick peck on the cheek, Renjun was already heading off to the other room.

And of course Chenle followed him, as they sat on the couches with the others about to watch a movie. With of course Chinese subtitles for the newer boys who seemed to struggle.

And usually, Renjun doesn't like to cuddle around the others. And Chenle knows this, he doesn't mind it. But today, he was feeling extra cuddly and needy today.

So he cuddled up close to Renjuns arm to not seem noticeable in the dim light from the tv. And Chenle was hoping for human contact, that was all he was needing.


It wasn't enough, so switching over to Sicheng who luckily was sitting next to him. Sicheng always jokingly said he was Chenle's mom anyway. So the other always cuddles with him.

So full on, Sicheng had his arm around Chenle. Chenle cuddled up into the hold of Sicheng as his feet curled up against him. This was what he was needing right now.

Until, he fell asleep comfortably that way.


And when he woke up, he was in his and Renjuns shared bedroom. And Renjun was laying next to him, running his fingers through his hair.

"Why did you cuddle up to Winnie?" Renjun randomly asks. Chenles body froze and he wanted to go back to sleeping to avoid this.

"Lele, sweetypie. I won't get mad if you tell me," Renjun uses his soft voice.

"Because I know how you feel about very intense cuddling infront of the others. And I didn't want to make you mad, but I also wanted a lot of cuddles," Chenle says quietly feeling horrible.

Only Renjun could always make his mind and heart do a lot of different things.

For a moment, the room was quiet. And Chenle feared he made Renjun upset with him.

"Are you mad Junnie?" He whispers. It felt like any louder of noise would break something in the room. He just wasn't sure what.

"Of course I'm not Lele, I just wish you'd tell me. And for now on, I will make it so you don't feel like you have so many rules around me. If you want to cuddle me around the others, just do it," Renjun states with a small fire in his voice which meant he was serious.

And that is what warmed Chenles heart up the most.


It was a few days later and Chenle had been getting sick. Well, not full on sick yet but he felt awful. Everyone was sitting around watching a movie, because somehow twenty one people could fit in a living room.

Chenle wanted to cuddle his Renjun, but he also wasn't so sure if Renjun was true on his statement over a few days ago. He was so conflicted on what to do. He ended up falling asleep in his uncomfortable position anyway before he had much more time to think on it.

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