Stay With Me P.25 (Renmin)💖

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The room chilled with a slight tang to the air. Renjun and Jaemin laying under the covers, Jaemin's arms wrapped around the others waist, and a leg thrown over the other.

Its moments like these that Renjun prefers. Being under the blanket with his lover, being held closely. Almost like he is the only thing that matters to him.

Almost, except for his career.

You see, Renjun, like Jaemin is a singer in this Korean Pop world. Having to keep a pristine image for the world to see. And for the other group members with him;

Jeno, Chenle, Jisung, and Donghyuck.

And for him and Jaemin that means that everything between them cannot leave the small rooms door. Every kiss, every sweet word, every action that causes Renjun's heart to flutter. Can't even be seen by the light of day. And at first for the other male, it didn't mind him. As long as the other is his, what should it matter right?

If only, that is the case.

If it could be Renjun's way, he would hold the other a little closer in public. He would be able to freely grab the others hand without having to worry about him getting mad. He would be able to flirt in front of the other males, and watch as the other would freely do the same in front of him. As his face would flush, and the other would smile his angelic smile and take his breathe away with a kiss. And it wouldn't be like a small peck, like he does on the cheek with everyone. No, it would be a real kiss.

"If only," Renjun mutters under his breathe.

The soft snores of Jaemin would usually lull him to sleep. But tonight, they can't just sworn past all the insecurities he feels. Even with having the other pressed up against him, it still doesn't feel like enough to him. Almost like he is something that needs to be hidden.

Like Jaemin's little secret.

Its the next morning, and like always Renjun wakes up alone. Usually Jaemin wakes up early, to make sure no one sees the couple together, sleeping. Cold and needing the body against his again, Renjun seeks his way toward the dorms kitchen. Which unfortunately seeks of twenty men, running around like children. Rolling his eyes, at this point Renjun isn't surprised by how his group members are. They keep him sane at this point.

In front of him is Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle and Doyoung. An odd group to be in a circle, but it doesn't surprise Renjun. Gravitating naturally towards his significant other, Renjun gives a small smile to Chenle who is the first to notice his presence.

"Good morning ge!" The enthusiastic male states.

"Morning Chenle," Renjun gives the same honey like to the other.

Everyone seems to mutter a half asleep 'good morning' except for Jaemin. Whom he knows is far from asleep at this point. But he is use to the others cold personal by morning.

He just can't wait to have bed Jaemin back, no matter how bad it sounds.

Its during practice, on water break time. The only couple known around the dorm is Johnny and Doyoung. The two bickering a lot, but Johnny handing the other his water bottle and rubbing circles on the others shoulder blades. The moment is sweet, and slightly intimate in a good way. It's everything Renjun wishes he could have. Outside of his bedroom. The couple looking at each other lovingly, adoration in their eyes. Before going back to pushing each other away softly with giggles filling the room. Its almost like nothing else in the room matters, they just have each other. That is what Renjun wishes he could have with Jaemin. Not trying to seem over demanding or too much. But its something like that is all he asks for, is it to much?

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now