Stay With Me P.74 (Winkun)💖

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The day is sunny, and a small breeze found its way through the room waking up Sicheng. A small whine admitting itself from the male as he rises up from his slumber. Looking around his room, everything is the same as it always has been. Nothing being moved (from the devil Yangyang) nor being knocked over. Only one thing is missing; Kun. 

A smile finds its way to Sicheng’s face at the thought of his leader’s name. The two had known each other for years to come. Well, trainee days and now they finally got the chance to debut together in a group which made that so much more great. 


It was the first moment they met, Sicheng couldn’t understand any of what the others were uttering about. It only frustrated him and made him more sad as he sat on the floor alone and watched the others laugh, and talk. When a small male smiles as he sits down in a spot right next to where Sicheng was currently sitting. 

“I’m Kun,” the other boy says in Chinese.

“Sicheng,” Sicheng answers in an over excited tone. He couldn't believe he found someone who understands Chinese. 

“Well Sicheng, I guess we'll be getting along for a while,” laughs the other as the two watched the other Korean males- and Japanese male- talk. 


For Sicheng, that was one of the happiest moments of his life, meeting Kun. The other male was quiet just like he was and again, he was someone he could communicate with, so for a while that is all he had was Kun. Smiling now, Sicheng remembers he hated not being able to talk to the others, meanwhile, Kun could slightly. It was only slightly, but it was more of a positive push in a direction than Sicheng, and it upset him at that time. 

And no one really helped him at the time, they couldn’t because no one really understood Chinese. So all around, it was a bad situation for all the males involved in that time. And those are just some of the moment he remembers- or at least he hates remembering but its not like he can just forget about those memories. 


“Hi Sicheng,” up walks a smiling Kun. The male was always constantly smiling, and Sicheng didn’t really understand why. 

“Hi Kun,” Sicheng lets out the fakest smile to the other. At this time, he was starting to get angry at Kun, everyone, and the entire situation all together. He knew however there wasn’t much of what anyone could do. 

“You ok?” Asks Kun, however, Sicheng just stood up and walked away leaving Kun by himself. 


It was sometime later, and Kun was finally talking to everyone else as if he was Korean. And Sicheng still stood in the corner without the slightest hint of much Korean. He knew some Korean, but not nearly as much as Kun, and it upset him more. And even worse, Kun started to ignore Sicheng. So now, it was almost like he was completely alone again. 

“Hi,” Yuta walks up to sit by Sicheng. 

“Go.. away,” Sicheng says in broken Korean. 

“I.. no go away,” Yuta states in some broken Chinese. 

“I.. here to… help you,” he finishes, Sicheng sitting beside the other in pure shock. And a smile taking form onto Sicheng’s lips. 

“Ok,” he states in Korean. 


It was again sometime later, and Yuta was sitting next to Sicheng. After some time, Yuta helped taught Sicheng Korean, and used hand gestures to still communicate with the male. And it made Sicheng happy to at least be able to communicate with someone. He sat there smiling and laughing with Yuta as they spoke in broken languages, Sicheng didn’t feel alone, and; 

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now