Stay With Me P.27 (Reno) 💖

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For Renjun, he has always had a special friendship with the people around him. In school, and now in the lovely group of NCT. It started with Dream, this group he is in. And finding a friendship with all of them that worked.

With Mark, its bullying.

With Jaemin, it's coodling.

With Donghyuck, it's bullying and cuddling.

With Chenle, it's treating the other like his truthfully younger brother.

With Jisung, its treating him the same way as Chenle.

But he has never figured out a way to be around no other than Lee Jeno. From the start, the other was more cold looking and very quiet. From their debut of Chewing Gum, the other was adored by fans because he looked adorable.

Little do they know how scary he was to approach after stage.

All the Nct members sat around and watched TV. It was right after Dream had gotten done with their debut stage. And everyone praised the adorable younger brothers, Renjun, felt shy by the compliments and everyone pinched his adorably chubby cheeks.

Even the other Dream members came around and complimented him and coodled him. Jeno, was the only one who stayed quiet.


It, was now time that Jaemin, had gotten his injury and couldn't preform. My First and Last. Renjun started getting his nickname as "Little Devil," and bullying Chenle, Jisung, Mark and Donghyuck. But never once Jeno.

He is still scared of the latter.

Even with his big smile and bubbly personality.

"Renjun, why don't you talk to Jeno he looks sad," Donghyuck reads the comments during their vlive.

Renjun froze, he felt like there was no words he could say in that moment. Looking over to Jeno, the other looks like not even a word had been uttered about his name.

He still smiled, like always.

"Because I will bully him like I do the rest," Renjun smiles his adorably evil smile.

Its not like he could tell the fans the truth anyway.


And everyone took a break for a while from each other. And doing their own things. It made Renjun happy, he didn't have to see Jeno, or sadly none of the other members for a while. Lay around and watch YouTube was his goal.

Then, it came time for everyone to come back together for Go.

Renjun walked in from the little vacation they had, freshly dyed hair going into the practice room. And there he seen the other members conversing and waiting for Renjun.

"Hey loozers," Renjun skips over to them.

They all changed.

Especially Jeno.

His usually smiley face and light colored hair. Now with black hair, he looked more mature and took Renjun's breathe away. He stood taller than almost everyone there.

He looked more scarier than usual.

"Uh, Renjun are you ok?" He directs his attention towards the staring male.

Quickly shaking back to reality and eyes widen from the realization he was staring. He turns his head away with a blush forming on his face.

"Yeah Jeno I am thank you," he mumbles out.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now