Stay With Me P.166 (Lusung)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, where performers are known for their charismatic stage presence and entertaining variety show appearances, even the most outgoing idols can sometimes find themselves in situations that leave them feeling awkward. This is precisely what happened to Lucas and Jisung from NCT 2020 during a cooking segment. It was an unexpected turn of events that would lead to a beautiful journey of self-discovery and love.

NCT 2020 was in the midst of a hectic schedule, bouncing from one show to another, and this particular day had them filming a cooking segment for a popular variety show. The members were divided into teams, and as fate would have it, Lucas and Jisung found themselves paired up. On the surface, it seemed like an exciting and fun opportunity for the two, who were part of different subunits within NCT, to bond.

Lucas, with his tall and confident presence, was known for his ability to charm both the audience and his fellow members with his outgoing and friendly nature. He had a way of making people feel comfortable around him, and his fluency in multiple languages made him even more endearing to fans worldwide. Jisung, on the other hand, was a young and talented member of NCT Dream. He had a passionate love for space and science that set him apart, and his innocent charm and immense talent made him a favorite among fans.

As they stood side by side in the cooking studio, it quickly became evident that something was amiss. Lucas, usually the life of the party, appeared unusually reserved, and Jisung, who was known for his ability to adapt and connect with people, seemed equally uneasy. Their hands fumbled with the ingredients, and their laughter, which typically flowed easily, felt forced. The other members and the production staff couldn't help but notice the awkward atmosphere between Lucas and Jisung. They exchanged puzzled glances and stifled chuckles as they watched the two struggle to cook a simple dish. The fans who were watching the live recording were quick to pick up on the unusual dynamics as well. Comments and speculations started flooding in, adding to the pressure.

After what felt like an eternity, the cooking segment finally wrapped up, and Lucas and Jisung were visibly relieved. As they left the studio, the other NCT members couldn't resist teasing them about their awkward performance. Taeyong, the leader of NCT, couldn't help but chime in, "Lucas, I've never seen you so tongue-tied! What happened in there?"

Lucas scratched his head and chuckled, "I don't know, man! It was just... weird."

Jisung nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was like we were in some parallel universe or something."

The teasing continued throughout the evening, with the members playfully speculating about the cause of the awkwardness. But for Lucas and Jisung, it was a lingering feeling that they couldn't shake off.


The next day, Lucas found himself at the NCT Dream dorm. It wasn't uncommon for members from different subunits to spend time together, but this time, he had a specific reason for being there. He had been thinking about the awkward cooking segment and wanted to clear the air with Jisung. After all, they were part of the same larger NCT family, and he didn't want any lingering discomfort between them.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now