Stay With Me P.63 (Taekun)💖

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The city lights painted a dazzling tapestry against the canvas of the night sky, as the bustling streets of Seoul breathed with life. In a cozy cafe tucked away from the clamor, Taeyong and Kun sat face to face, their hands wrapped around steaming cups of coffee. The aroma wafted through the air, mingling with the cadence of their laughter and conversations that flowed effortlessly between them. The air was alive with the energy of the city, a symphony of honking horns, distant conversations, and the occasional strains of music that echoed through the streets. Amidst this vibrant chaos, nestled in a cozy cafe tucked away from the clamor, Taeyong and Kun found their refuge.

Sitting face to face at a corner table, their fingers traced patterns on the ceramic cups cradled between their hands. The cups exhaled tendrils of steam, carrying the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee that mingled with the melodies of their laughter. Their laughter was like a secret shared between them and the walls of the cafe, a testament to the ease with which they navigated each other's presence.

The cafe's warm lighting cast a soft glow on their faces, illuminating the depths of Kun's expressive eyes and the curve of Taeyong's lips as they spoke. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, a river of words that meandered through memories and dreams. It was as if time itself had slowed down, allowing them to savor each moment, each shared thought.

Kun's expressive eyes held a warmth that only a deep connection could forge. "You know, Taeyong," he began, his voice carrying a mix of fondness and nostalgia, "I remember those early days, when we were just trainees, bright-eyed and full of dreams. We'd share our fears, our doubts, everything that kept us awake at night."

Taeyong nodded, a reflective smile curving his lips. "Yeah, those late-night talks were like therapy sessions. We'd spill our hearts out, holding onto each other's words like lifelines. And Hansol... he was such a big part of our journey, too."

Kun's gaze grew distant, momentarily shadowed by memories. "Losing him... it was like a sudden void in our world. He was more than just a friend, you know? He was family. Every step towards debut felt like it had a bit of his spirit guiding us."

The resonance of those words hung in the air, a shared understanding that transcended spoken language. The struggles they'd faced in their journey to debut were etched into their souls, but it was their connection, their ability to confide in one another, that had fortified their spirits.

"I sometimes wonder," Kun admitted with a soft sigh, "if he's still watching over us, proud of where we've come."

Taeyong leaned in, his fingers tapping lightly against the rim of his coffee cup. "I'd like to think so, Kun. I'd like to think that he's  there, cheering us on with that infectious smile of his."

Their voices were laced with an unspoken understanding, a recognition of the struggles they'd overcome together. The cafe's ambiance seemed to fade into the background as their shared memories took center stage.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now