Stay With Me P. 41 (Johnwin)💖

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The bright lights flickered above the stage, casting vibrant hues onto the faces of the waiting crowd. Sicheng's heart pounded against his chest, echoing the excitement that surged through his veins. It was the day he had been yearning for—a chance to debut with NCT 127. Firetruck blared through the speakers, igniting the enthusiasm of the fans. Sicheng took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

But amidst the sea of euphoria, a current of isolation coursed through his soul. His lack of understanding in Korea acted as an invisible barrier, rendering him incapable of forging deep connections with his fellow members, no matter how hard they tried. Jaehyun's warm smile, Yuta's infectious laughter, Mark's earnest attempts, and Taeyong's unwavering support—all of them attempted to reach out to him, but the words slipped through his grasp like sand in an hourglass.

Sicheng longed to break free from the confines of his expressive limitations, to immerse himself fully in the camaraderie that seemed to elude him. But the more he struggled, the further the language gap stretched. It was a cruel twist of fate that he found himself on the outskirts of familiarity, observing the bonds that formed before his eyes. Then came the Limitless era, bringing with it the introduction of Johnny. Sicheng was resistant at first, pushing him away with guarded hesitation. Yet Johnny's resilience matched Sicheng's struggle, and he refused to be discouraged. It was as if he saw through the barriers Sicheng had erected, determined to weave the threads of unity that bound NCT 127 together.

But amidst the sea of exhilaration, a current of isolation coursed through Sicheng's soul, threatening to extinguish the spark of excitement that had ignited within him. The vibrant energy of his debut with NCT 127 clashed against the invisible barrier of his limited understanding of Korean, casting a shadow over his ability to forge deep connections with his fellow members, no matter how hard they tried.

Jaehyun's warm smile beckoned him to join the circle of friendship, but the meaning behind his words slipped through Sicheng's grasp like grains of sand in an hourglass. Yuta's infectious laughter echoed through the practice room, inviting him to share in the joyous moments, but Sicheng struggled to catch the variation of their banter, feeling like an outsider in his own group. Mark's earnest attempts to bridge the gap tugged at Sicheng's heart, but the weight of unfamiliar words weighed him down, isolating him even further. And Taeyong's unwavering support acted as a lifeline, but the inability to reciprocate with equal ease left Sicheng drowning in a sea of frustration.

Each day, as they danced in harmony, Sicheng longed to break free from the confines of his expressive limitations. He yearned to immerse himself fully in the companionship that seemed to elude him, to experience the unspoken bonds that thrived within NCT 127. But the more he struggled, the more the language gap stretched, widening the link between him and his members. It was a cruel twist of fate—a twist that left Sicheng on the outskirts of familiarity, an observer of the connections forming before his eyes. He watched with a mix of admiration and sorrow as his fellow members laughed, shared inside jokes, and supported one another unconditionally. They were a tightly knit family, and Sicheng desperately yearned to be woven into their intricate jumble.

Conversations swirled around him, a melody of words he strained to solve. Frustration gnawed at his core as he longed to express his thoughts, his dreams, and his fears. But the words tangled upon his tongue, transforming his emotions into an indistinguishable blend of silence and longing. There were moments when Sicheng felt like an invisible wall had been erected between him and his group mates. He would sit in the practice room, surrounded by the cheery energy that radiated from his fellow members, and yet he felt adrift in his own solitude. It was as if he wore an impassible veil, unable to break through to the other side where friendship bloomed effortlessly.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now