Stay With Me P. 34 (Johncas)💖

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There Johnny sat, humming a tone to himself, he isn't even sure what the name of it is. Or if it even exsists in the matter. It kept his brain busy while he waited to go onto stage for NCT 2020. Yes, NCT 2020, with his boyfriend by his side. Even sometimes he questions how that can exist. Or, how the other tall awkward idiot could actually like him, and even date him. But hey, sometimes not questioning things is a lot better. 

"What are you thinking about," Lucas sat in the seat right next to Johnny showing him that goofy smile. 

It always seems to make Johnny smile somehow, he is not ever really sure. 

"Mm, its really nothing, just you know excited to go on stage," Johnny shrugs his shoulders as he lets his eyes meet the others. 

They are very warm and full of feelings and emotions, its something that made Johnny fall in love with Lucas for even more. Those eyes, they tell a story. 

"We got this Johnny, really, so don't worry too much. Ok?" Lucas quickly switches over to a more serious mode. 

That is also something that made Johnny fall in love with him for even more. It also made Johnny inward giggle at the way the other had difficulty showing heavy amounts of affection in front of his bandmates. Johnny wouldn't blame him honestly, if he didn't see everyone in the 127 dorm do it so shamelessly and all the time. 

"I won't, don't worry too much ok Lulu," comments Johnny, watching the other's face flush at the nickname Johnny likes to use for him a lot. 


And to say the least, the stage was a success. It was very impactful and everyone did their best, even their leader Taeyong is very happy with them. Which in this day, it feels like it truly is harder to please him. 

"I'm so proud of everyone! Everyone did an amazing job! How about we all go out for take out?" Asks Taeyong in front of the other twenty two members. Hearing an endless cheer answered the question of the night. 

So now, everyone sat at a resturant around the dorm, who knows where. They kept walking until finally someone said "sure that works." Everyone sitting at the table and talking to each other, the table filled with the loudness of voices and laughter filled everyones ears as they are all together. 

Johnny and Lucas sat next to each other, they know about the managment's feelings on public display of affection. So everyone knows to keep it down. Just the closeness of the two's shoulder's almost touching is enough in that time for the two. 

"See," Lucas mumbles next to Johnny's ear for only him to hear, "I told you, you would do amazing I watched you the entire time on stage." 

Snorting at the others remark, Johnny lightly pushes the others shoulder," idiot, you need to pay attention on stage." Watching as the infectious smile finds its way on Lucas' face before looking down at his plate to take another bite of the food. 

"Lucas-ya!" Comments Jungwoo from across Johnny," you promised to help me tonight with something after the performance, right?" Tilting his head to the side almost puppy-like. 

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now