Stay With Me P.18 (Luwoo) 💖

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Jungwoo smiled as he stretches in the grip of his boyfriends. Comforting arms that protected him even in the most vulnerable part of them.


Snuggling his head on the chest of the other. He smelled like cinnamon and home, something he never knew he would be comparing together.

"Jungwoo?" Lucas says still in a sleepy state.

Giggling, Jungwoo has always found the other adorable," go back to sleep Lu its too early for you to be awake yet."

Cardening his fingers through the others hair. He never knew he could love the way Lucat tightened his arms around Jungwoos slim waist as he fell back asleep.

Jungwoo would give up everything in the world to see this everyday. To have this every day of his life. It would be the closest to having the best life.

Kissing the others forehead he loves the little twitches Lucas does in his sleep. The cute little snores as his head batted it's way to Jungwoos chest.

"My sweet sweet little Lu," lightly sings Jungwoo.

He understands a thing called "pride" and he's glad Lucas isn't so scared to be less masculine when its them two alone.

The dusk of the morning slipping onto the sky as Jungwoo knows Lucas will have to wake up soon. The small hits of blue hitting in the room lit up the once pitch black area.

"Hey Lu," he sings quietly in the others ear.

"Yes Woo?" Lucas looks up less asleep when he hears Jungwoo's voice.

And as much as that touches Jungwoo's heart, he isn't in danger for once. He just desperately wanted, no needed attention from his boyfriend.

"Do you want to go up to the roof and watch the sun rise?" Asks Jungwoo.

He didn't have to wait long til Lucas was on his way off the bed and to the window. Slidding through after he opened it, the two never felt younger.

Sneaking out of their families to watch the sun rise.

Sitting on the roof despite the chill in the air was the best decision Jungwoo felt like. And he didn't even regret one bit.

He felt his boyfriends arms go around his waist bringing him closer. He never felt more warmer than being in his boyfriends grip.

And the two laughed the morning away, talking, giggling. And spending the time they've always wanted together and hadn't gotten since they started dating.

The sun started peaking through the bottom of the earth. When they seen the last shooting star of the night fly by them. It wasn't too fast not to see, but too fast to make a wish. But that didnt matter in the direct moment for the two.

They were just happy to be able to spend it together. Even after the sun's entrance became more and more known. The once dark sky lightening up in the morning blue. The weather warming up from its regular temperature.

They still didn't move from their spots together. Jungwoo leaning against the others chest.


Time and time went on as the two only got the nights to spend time together. However, it didn't bother Jungwoo, he was just happy to have Lucas by his side. It was promotions for Boss, aka their debut.

"Baby you have to keep trying ok?" Lucas looks concerned at his lover.

It was practice, and Jungwoo was extra nervous because of debut. However, looking up at his lover. Jungwoo remembers he gets to debut with the man of his dreams, love of his life. So there really isn't much to be scared of.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now