100 Comments! (Shohei x Eunseok x Seunghan)💖

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The sun had barely kissed the horizon when Seunghan, Eunseok, and Shohei woke up in each other's arms. Their entangled limbs and warm breaths creating a cocoon of love and comfort. They had been together for a while now, their relationship flourishing even amidst the demanding life of being part of NCT, one of the hottest K-pop groups in the world.

Seunghan, with his wild mop of dark hair and deep, soulful eyes, was the clingiest of the three. He loved to feel their closeness, to bask in the warmth of their shared affection. Eunseok, the calm and collected one, was the pillar of support, the chef in their makeshift home. Shohei, with his exotic charm and timid nature, was the most awkward of the trio. Their arrival in NCT had stirred quite a commotion among the members. They were the newest ones, their polyamorous relationship, while not unheard of in the K-pop world, was still something that caught people's attention. The other members couldn't help but tease and gush over the three of them, creating an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance.

However, in front of the NCT members, Shohei would often shy away from Seunghan's affectionate touches and Eunseok's steady gaze. It wasn't that he didn't love them; he did, more than anything. But the public display of their love made him uneasy. He couldn't help but feel like an outsider, and his innate shyness only exacerbated the situation. This hesitation didn't go unnoticed by Seunghan. He felt it like a knife in his heart each time Shohei pulled away from his touch, even if it was just for a second. He knew that Shohei's discomfort was not a reflection of his love for them but rather his own insecurities. He knew that Shohei felt like the odd one out among the three, and it pained Seunghan deeply.

Seunghan, despite his own longing for physical intimacy, would try to smile through it. He would wrap his arms around Eunseok and Shohei, trying to bridge the gap, to make them feel whole. But sometimes, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow coming between them, even though both Eunseok and Shohei assured him it wasn't the case.


One day, a storm of illness struck their little love nest. Shohei woke up with a high fever, shivering and weak. It wasn't just any sickness; it was one that seemed to have come out of nowhere, leaving all three of them bewildered.

Seunghan and Eunseok exchanged concerned glances, their worry etched on their faces. They both decided, without a second thought, that they would stay home from practice to take care of their ailing lover. Eunseok, the cook of the trio, headed to the kitchen to prepare a pot of steaming hot soup. Seunghan followed him, staying as close as he dared, his hands tingling to reach out to Shohei. Eunseok could see the pain in Seunghan's eyes and, in that moment, he wished he had the power to take it away. But he knew that he couldn't, that the only thing he could do was be there for both of his lovers.

As Eunseok stirred the soup, Seunghan settled on a chair in the kitchen, watching him with a mixture of admiration and longing. He loved how Eunseok could remain calm in the face of adversity, how he could take charge of a situation and make everything better. Seunghan's admiration for Eunseok was only rivaled by his love for Shohei. After a while, Eunseok turned off the stove and poured the steaming soup into a bowl. He picked up a spoon and carried it carefully, making his way to Shohei, who was lying in their shared bed, looking pale and vulnerable.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now