Stay With Me P. 82 (Xiaole)💖

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the practice room where Xiaojun and Chenle were rehearsing their latest song. Their voices harmonized effortlessly as they sang, their bodies moving in perfect sync. Off-camera, their closeness was palpable, a bond forged through years of hard work and shared experiences. But little did the fans know that their connection ran deeper than what was seen on screen.

It all began with their teasing habits. Xiaojun couldn't resist poking fun at Chenle's mischievous antics, and Chenle, in turn, found endless amusement in Xiaojun's attempts to maintain a cool image. Their on-screen chemistry was undeniable, and it didn't take long for fans to ship them mercilessly. They had even given them a ship name: "XiChen."

But what fans didn't know was that off-camera, Xiaojun and Chenle shared a sweet, secret relationship. It was a delicate dance they had perfected, hiding their true feelings from the prying eyes of the world. They stole moments together in the quiet corners of the practice room, whispered secrets in the dead of night, and held each other close when the weight of their idol lives became too much to bear.

One evening, as they sat side by side in a dimly lit corner of their favorite cafe, Chenle looked at Xiaojun with a hint of concern in his eyes. "Xiaojun, are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft and full of genuine care.

Xiaojun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... the fans, you know? They keep shipping us with Jisung, and it's getting to me."

Chenle frowned, understanding the source of Xiaojun's discomfort. "I get it. It can be tough when fans don't see the real us, but we can't control what they think or ship. What matters is what we have, right here, right now."

Xiaojun nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "You're right, Chenle. What we have is special."

Chenle reached out and gently took Xiaojun's hand in his own. "And don't forget, I love you, Xiaojun, no matter what. Our friendship, our bond, it means the world to me."

Those words, simple and heartfelt, washed away Xiaojun's insecurities like a warm tide. He squeezed Chenle's hand in return. "I love you too, Chenle. Let's not let anyone come between us."

The next day, when the cameras rolled and the stage lights blazed, Xiaojun and Chenle seemed closer than ever. Their smiles were genuine, their interactions filled with an unspoken understanding. It was as if they had found a new level of connection, one that transcended the teasing and playful banter that had endeared them to fans in the first place.

As they performed their song, their voices intertwined with a newfound depth of emotion. Their gazes met, and in that moment, it was clear to anyone watching that their bond was unbreakable. The fans noticed the change, and the atmosphere online shifted from shipping XiChen to celebrating their friendship in a different light.

In the aftermath of that performance, Xiaojun and Chenle found themselves scrolling through their social media feeds. The comments were flooded with messages of support and admiration for their friendship. They shared a knowing look, appreciating the fact that their decision to let their true connection shine through had brought them even closer to their fans.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now