Stay With Me P.160 (Winle)💖

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NCT 2023 had rolled around, and it was a year filled with highs and lows for Chenle and Sicheng. Their lives had become a whirlwind of schedules, performances, and endless rehearsals. The dazzling lights of fame had shone upon them, bringing with it both joy and challenges. But amidst the chaos of their idol lives, a shadow had loomed over their relationship, a shadow named Renjun.

Chenle had always known that Sicheng had a soft spot for Renjun. It wasn't something Sicheng ever tried to hide. In fact, his fondness for the younger NCT Dream member had always been evident in the way he looked at him, the way he laughed at his jokes, and the way he seemed to light up whenever Renjun was around. At first, Chenle had brushed it off as mere friendship, but as time passed, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep in his heart. It was a quiet evening in their shared apartment when Chenle finally decided to bring up the issue that had been eating at him for months. Sicheng was sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone, scrolling through messages from the other members. Chenle took a deep breath, trying to find the right words.

"Sicheng," he began cautiously, "Can we talk for a moment?"

Sicheng looked up from his phone, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Sure, what's up?"

Chenle hesitated for a moment, searching for the right way to express his feelings. "It's about Renjun," he finally admitted.

Sicheng's expression softened, and he put his phone aside, giving Chenle his full attention. "What about him?"

Chenle struggled to put his feelings into words. "I've noticed that seem to have a special bond with him. More than with the rest of us, I mean."

Sicheng sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Chenle, Renjun and I have known each other for a long time. We've been through a lot together, and I guess that's why we're close. But it doesn't mean I love him more than you or the others. You're all important to me."

Chenle nodded, though his jealousy still gnawed at him. "I know that logically, but it's just hard sometimes. I see the way you look at him, the way you laugh with him, and it makes me feel...inadequate."

Sicheng moved closer to Chenle, taking his hand gently. "Chenle, you are not inadequate. I love you, and you mean the world to me. I don't want you to ever doubt that."

Chenle's eyes softened, and he squeezed Sicheng's hand. "I love you too, Sicheng. But sometimes, I can't help but feel jealous."

Sicheng smiled sadly. "Jealousy is a natural emotion, Chenle. I've felt it too, especially when I see you and Jisung spending time together."

Chenle's heart skipped a beat. He and Jisung had been close friends for years, and their bond had only grown stronger over time. But he hadn't realized that Sicheng felt the same way about their friendship as he did about Sicheng's relationship with Renjun.

"You're jealous of me and Jisung?" Chenle asked, surprised.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now