Stay With Me P.130 (Yudery)💖

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In the bustling world of NCT, where music, dance, and camaraderie filled the air, two members, Yuta and Hendery, embarked on a journey that would forever change their lives. The setting was NCT's "Work It," a project that brought together members from different units, giving them the opportunity to collaborate, create, and form new bonds. It was here that Yuta and Hendery first crossed paths, their meeting marked by an instant connection that would ignite a friendship filled with laughter, struggles, and ultimately, love.

The NCT dormitory was alive with activity, as members from various units came together for the "Work It" project. Laughter echoed through the hallways, and the air was charged with excitement and creative energy. Hendery, the cheerful and charismatic member of WayV, was initially a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of new faces. He was used to the familiar camaraderie of his own unit, but this project promised a fresh start and new friendships.

Yuta, on the other hand, was from NCT 127, and his infectious energy and outgoing nature made him a magnetic presence in any room. As soon as he stepped into the dormitory, he started striking up conversations with everyone, making them feel at ease. Hendery was no exception. 

Their first encounter was casual, amidst the chaos of unpacking and settling into the dorms. Yuta flashed a warm smile at Hendery as he entered the shared living space, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hey there, I'm Yuta. Nice to meet you!"

Hendery blinked, momentarily taken aback by Yuta's friendliness. "Oh, hi! I'm Hendery from WayV," he replied, returning the smile.

From that moment, their friendship took root. They quickly discovered that they shared a similar sense of humor, often bursting into fits of laughter over the silliest of jokes. They bonded over late-night snacks, impromptu dance sessions in the living room, and even shared their dreams and aspirations during heart-to-heart conversations.


As the days turned into weeks, Hendery found himself drawn to Yuta in a way he hadn't anticipated. Yuta's affectionate nature was something new for Hendery. He wasn't used to someone being so physically and emotionally expressive. Yuta would often give warm hugs, ruffle Hendery's hair playfully, and even hold his hand during their late-night talks. Hendery cherished these moments but couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion deep within.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop under a blanket of stars, Hendery stared at the cityscape below, the neon lights shimmering like a sea of dreams. Yuta, sitting beside him, noticed the pensive expression on Hendery's face.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Yuta asked, nudging Hendery gently.

Hendery sighed, his breath visible in the chilly night air. "It's just... I've never met someone like you before, Yuta. You're so affectionate, and it's... it's new for me."

Yuta turned to look at Hendery, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "What do you mean, Hendery?"

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now