Stay With Me P.94 (Xiaodery)💖

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Xiaojun and Hendery were both fresh faces in the dazzling world of K-pop. They were like two small boats navigating a vast ocean of music, dance, and fame. Yet, in this sea of uncertainty, they found solace in each other's company right from the start.

WayV was a unique group within the SM Entertainment family, composed of talented Chinese members. The group had been carefully assembled, with each member chosen for their exceptional skills and charisma. Xiaojun and Hendery were among the last additions, and their shared status as newcomers bound them together from day one.

On their first meeting, Xiaojun had been nervously scanning the room, feeling overwhelmed by the presence of more experienced idols like Lucas, Kun, Ten, and Sicheng. His heart raced as he fumbled through greetings and tried to find a seat in the practice room. He was a perfectionist, always striving to be the best, but the competition within the industry was fierce.

Hendery, on the other hand, exuded a more carefree and outgoing vibe. He had a ready smile and an infectious enthusiasm for the journey that lay ahead. The moment he laid eyes on Xiaojun, he was intrigued. The younger idol had an air of mystery about him, like a closed book waiting to be opened.


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, their friendship began to take root. Hendery made it his mission to get to know Xiaojun better, sensing that there was much more to the reserved singer than met the eye. He would strike up conversations during breaks, offering snacks or drinks, and always making an effort to include Xiaojun in group activities.

One day, as they were practicing a particularly challenging dance routine, Xiaojun missed a step and stumbled. He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as his fellow members and Hendery watched. But instead of mocking him, Hendery rushed over, offering a hand to help him up.

"Hey, it's okay," Hendery said, his voice soft and reassuring. "We all make mistakes. You're doing great, Xiaojun."

Xiaojun couldn't help but feel a warm glow spread through him at Hendery's words. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to him. From that moment on, their bond deepened. They became inseparable during breaks, often seen huddled together in deep conversation or sharing inside jokes.

Hendery was particularly taken by Xiaojun's facial expressions. He found them utterly captivating. Whether Xiaojun was lost in thought, reacting to something amusing, or simply lost in the music, his face was a canvas of emotions. Hendery would often catch himself staring, enchanted by Xiaojun's beauty.

One evening, as they sat together in their dorm room, Hendery couldn't contain his admiration any longer. He blurted out, "Xiaojun, you're really pretty, you know that?"

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