Stay With Me P.115 (Hyuckcas)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, where spotlights are never off and fans scrutinize every move, two individuals found solace in each other's presence, shielded from the prying eyes of the public. Donghyuck and Lucas had always been close, like two stars in the vast galaxy of NCT, but their bond was a hidden constellation, known only to themselves. It all began in the fateful year of 2018 when Lucas was announced as part of the NCT lineup during the electrifying "Boss" era.

For fans, it was a time of excitement and anticipation. NCT was already known for its talented and diverse members, and Lucas was a dazzling addition to the group. With his towering height, charismatic presence, and mesmerizing stage presence, he was an instant hit among fans. But little did they know that amid the bright lights and cheers, there was a quiet connection forming between Lucas and Donghyuck.

Donghyuck, known for his cheerful demeanor and infectious smile, had always been a beloved member of NCT. He was the type of person who could light up a room with his laughter, and fans adored him for his playful antics. Behind the scenes, though, Donghyuck was more than just the sunshine he portrayed on stage. He had a depth of character and a compassionate heart that few knew about.

As the two young men embarked on their journey as members of NCT, they found themselves drawn to each other. It started as a simple friendship, built on shared experiences, late-night rehearsals, and the unique bond that comes from being part of a group striving for a common dream. But over time, their connection deepened, evolving into something neither of them had expected.

The first hint of something more came during a late-night practice session. The members of NCT were known for their rigorous training and dedication, and that night was no different. Exhausted and drenched in sweat, Lucas and Donghyuck found themselves sitting side by side on the edge of the practice room stage. The rest of the members had scattered, seeking rest and respite, but these two chose to stay.

Donghyuck wiped his brow with the back of his hand, a tired smile on his face. "You did great today, Lucas," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Lucas, who had been silently staring at the floor, looked up and met Donghyuck's gaze. "Thanks, Hyuck," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "You were amazing too, as always."

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving just the two of them in their own little bubble. Donghyuck's heart skipped a beat, and he could feel a warmth spreading through his chest. It was a feeling he couldn't quite explain, but one thing was clear – it was more than friendship.

Lucas, too, felt a strange sensation in his chest, something he hadn't experienced before. It was as if Donghyuck's presence had a calming effect on him, like a lifeline in the chaos of their idol lives. He found himself drawn to Donghyuck's kindness, his infectious laughter, and the way he always seemed to be there when Lucas needed him the most.


As the weeks turned into months, their connection continued to deepen. They became inseparable, often spending their free time together, whether it was exploring the streets of Seoul, trying out new restaurants, or simply sitting in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Their fellow members may not have suspected anything beyond friendship, but Donghyuck and Lucas were acutely aware of the growing attraction between them.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now