Stay With Me P.83 (Markno)💖

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In the world of K-pop, where dazzling stages and glittering smiles often overshadow the struggles and emotions behind the scenes, the story of Mark and Jeno was one that unfolded quietly, hidden beneath the bright lights of NCT Dream's journey. Their tale was one of unspoken words, of missed connections, and ultimately, a story of two hearts learning to beat in harmony.

As the NCT Dream members prepared for their "Riding" era, the excitement and anticipation were palpable. It was a new chapter, a fresh beginning for the group. Yet, amidst the rehearsals and photo shoots, there was an unspoken tension between Mark and Jeno. They had always been a part of the same team, but their friendship had never been as strong as the bonds they shared with others in the group.

Mark, with his easygoing and adaptable nature, had naturally gravitated towards Haechan, who shared his love for pranks and mischief. Jeno, on the other hand, found himself drawn to Jaemin and Renjun, the quieter and more introspective members of the group. It wasn't a deliberate choice, but over time, their dynamics had solidified, and Mark and Jeno found themselves on the periphery of each other's lives.

The "Riding" era marked the first promotion without Mark, who had graduated from NCT Dream due to the age-based graduation system. While the other members were excited about the new album and the upcoming stages, Jeno couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. It was as if a crucial piece of the puzzle was missing, and he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

One particularly lonely night, Jeno found himself scrolling through old photos and videos from their earlier days as NCT Dream. The laughter, the shared moments, and the unspoken connection between Mark and him were painfully evident in those memories. He couldn't deny it any longer; he missed Mark more than he could put into words.

Tears welled up in Jeno's eyes as he dialed Mark's number. He hadn't talked to Mark in a while, and he wasn't even sure if Mark would pick up. But he needed to hear Mark's voice, to share his feelings with someone who would understand.

The phone rang, and Jeno's heart raced. He was half-hoping Mark wouldn't answer, sparing him the embarrassment of pouring his heart out. But then, there was a click, and Mark's voice, warm and familiar, came through the line. "Hello?"

Jeno's voice trembled as he tried to speak through his tears. "Mark... It's me, Jeno."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Mark's voice softened with concern. "Jeno? Are you okay?"

Jeno couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. "No, Mark, I'm not. I miss you so much. It's not the same without you here."

Mark's tone was soothing, like a gentle hand on Jeno's shoulder. "I miss you too, Jeno. I really do."

Tears streamed down Jeno's cheeks as he confessed, "I didn't realize how much you meant to me until you weren't here. We were never that close, but now I can't stop thinking about you."

Mark's voice held a hint of sadness. "I've been thinking about you too, Jeno. It's been hard being away from you guys."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now