Stay With Me P.134 (Dojun)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, where stars shine bright under the spotlight, two young men, Doyoung and Xiaojun, found themselves on a collision course with destiny. They were both members of NCT, a multi-talented boy group known for their incredible music and mesmerizing performances. Yet, despite being part of the same group, their paths had never truly crossed until one fateful night at MCountDown.

It was a crisp autumn evening, and the stage was set for NCT's electrifying performance of their latest hit, "Home." The music pulsed through the air, and the crowd roared with excitement. Doyoung, with his soulful voice and powerful stage presence, took center stage, captivating the audience with his every move. He had always been known for his exceptional vocals, but tonight, there was an extra sparkle in his eyes, a fire that burned brighter than ever.

Xiaojun, on the other hand, had been biding his time in the shadows, waiting for his moment to shine. He had joined NCT not long ago, and while he was incredibly talented, he still felt like the new kid on the block. As he watched Doyoung's performance from backstage, he couldn't help but be in awe of the older member's talent and charisma.

Doyoung's voice soared through the chorus, filling the arena with emotion. He poured his heart and soul into every note, his eyes locked onto the audience, as if he were singing to each and every one of them individually. It was a mesmerizing sight, and Xiaojun couldn't tear his gaze away.

As the song reached its climax, Doyoung's eyes met Xiaojun's for a brief moment, a connection that sent shivers down Xiaojun's spine. In that split second, something shifted within him. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, and Xiaojun couldn't ignore the magnetic pull he felt toward Doyoung. After the performance, the members gathered backstage to catch their breath and exchange words of encouragement. Xiaojun, usually reserved and quiet, mustered up the courage to approach Doyoung.

"Hey, Doyoung," he began, his voice a bit shaky from nerves. "That was an incredible performance. Your vocals are out of this world."

Doyoung, who had just been wiping sweat from his brow, turned to face Xiaojun with a warm smile. "Thanks, Xiaojun. I appreciate it. Your vocals are pretty amazing too. You've got a unique tone."

Xiaojun's heart skipped a beat at the compliment. "Coming from you, that means a lot," he replied, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.


Over the next few weeks, Doyoung and Xiaojun found themselves gravitating towards each other more often. They would chat backstage, share meals, and even practice together. The more time they spent together, the more they discovered about each other's personalities and interests. They realized they had a lot in common, from their love of music to their quirky sense of humor.

As they got to know each other better, Xiaojun's admiration for Doyoung only deepened. He found himself not only drawn to Doyoung's talent but also to his kindness, his dedication to his craft, and his genuine nature. It was a dangerous cocktail of emotions, and Xiaojun couldn't help but feel his heart racing whenever he was around Doyoung.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now