Stay With Me P.95 (Xiaoyang)💖

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Xiaojun had never been one for physical affection. In a world where skinship was often the norm, he always found himself a little uncomfortable with it. It wasn't that he didn't like it; he just wasn't used to it. He had grown up in a family that was not particularly demonstrative, and his friends had always respected his personal space. So, when he first joined the entertainment industry as a trainee, he was taken aback by how touchy-feely everyone seemed to be.

But then, he met Yangyang.

From the very first day they crossed paths, Xiaojun couldn't help but be drawn to the younger boy. Yangyang was the maknae of their group, and he had an infectious energy that was hard to resist. He was like a burst of sunshine in the otherwise hectic and competitive world of K-pop. Xiaojun found himself smiling more when Yangyang was around, and he couldn't deny the fact that he found him absolutely adorable.

It started innocently enough. Yangyang would often sneak up on Xiaojun, throwing his arms around him in a tight hug or draping himself over Xiaojun's shoulders. At first, Xiaojun was taken aback by the sudden physical contact, but he quickly realized that Yangyang was just being himself. He was a naturally affectionate person, and he didn't mean anything by it. So, Xiaojun decided to let him get away with it.


As time went on, Yangyang's antics only increased. He would cling to Xiaojun during breaks, resting his head on his shoulder and chatting away about anything and everything. He would playfully tease Xiaojun, poking fun at him in a way that no one else dared to do. Xiaojun found himself enjoying their interactions more than he cared to admit.

It was during the Phantom Era that Xiaojun's feelings began to change. The group was going through a particularly tough time, with grueling schedules and high expectations from their agency. It was a period of struggle and uncertainty, and it brought the members closer together in unexpected ways.

One evening, as they were sitting together in their practice room, Xiaojun couldn't help but steal glances at Yangyang. The way his eyes sparkled with determination, the way he laughed off the pressure, it all made Xiaojun's heart skip a beat. He realized that he had fallen for the maknae, hard and fast.

But admitting his feelings was another matter entirely. Xiaojun had never been good at expressing his emotions, especially something as complex as love. He had spent his whole life guarding his heart, and the thought of letting someone in terrified him. What if Yangyang didn't feel the same way? What if their friendship was ruined because of his stupid feelings?


Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now