Stay With Me P.57 (Jaekun)💖

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The city lights shimmered like stars scattered across the urban sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets below. In the heart of this vibrant metropolis, a friendship as enduring as time itself was about to take a new turn. Jaehyun and Kun, two stars from the galaxy of NCT, had been orbiting each other since their predebut days. Their journey through the world of K-pop had been a rollercoaster ride of triumphs and challenges, but their bond had never wavered. And now, as the year 2019 dawned, they were on the brink of a new chapter in their story.

Starting from the beginning the pair was never really one's to be close. But they definitely knew who each other were from a distance. And had seen each other quite frankly with shy smiles across their face as they awkwardly greeted each other. 


Jaehyun's birthday had always been a special occasion. As the clock struck midnight, he received a cascade of messages and well-wishes from fans and friends alike. But one message stood out among the rest, illuminating his heart like a shooting star streaking across the night sky. It was from Kun, his partner-in-crime and confidant. A smile tugged at the corner of Jaehyun's lips as he read the heartfelt words from Kun. "Happy birthday, my dear Jaehyun! Another year of awesomeness awaits you. Let's make sure it's one for the books. By the way, we need to catch up soon. Miss you, buddy!"

Jaehyun's heart warmed at the thought of spending more time with Kun. As the demands of their respective units had grown, their opportunities to hang out had become increasingly limited. The bond that had once been as strong as a steel cable had started to feel like a fragile thread. But Kun's message reignited a spark, reminding Jaehyun of the unbreakable connection they shared.

With a determined smile, Jaehyun's fingers danced across his phone's screen as he replied, "Thanks, Kun! Your message just made my day even better. Let's definitely catch up soon. Miss you too, bro!"

And so, the journey to rekindling their friendship began. Jaehyun and Kun navigated their busy schedules to find pockets of time where they could steal away and be together. It wasn't always easy, but their commitment to each other was unwavering. Late-night dinners after practice sessions, impromptu visits to each other's units, and long video calls became their lifelines.


As the months passed, their interactions became more frequent and intimate. They talked about everything – their dreams, their fears, and the highs and lows of their careers. They laughed until their sides ached, and they held each other up when the pressures of idol life threatened to overwhelm them.

The other members of NCT quickly caught wind of their growing camaraderie. Playful teasing soon became a staple whenever Jaehyun and Kun were in the same room. "Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Taeyong would quip with a sly grin, prompting a chorus of laughter from the others. But amidst the jests and chuckles, there was an underlying truth that everyone seemed to sense: Jaehyun and Kun's connection was special, transcending the boundaries of mere friendship. The struggle to maintain their closeness was a poignant theme that resonated deeply with both Jaehyun and Kun. They had fought hard to build their friendship, weathering the storms of uncertainty and separation. And now that they were back on the same wavelength, they were determined not to let it slip away again.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now