Stay With Me P.185 (Johnno)💖

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Johnny and Jeno had been through it all together, from the very start of NCT. They'd seen the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, the highs and lows of their own lives. But there was always something that set them apart, something that made Jeno feel like he was living in the shadow of Johnny's charisma. It wasn't Johnny's fault, of course. He had that natural charm that drew people to him like moths to a flame. It was just the way he was, and Jeno couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated.

When they first met, Jeno was just a wide-eyed kid, barely out of high school. He was excited, nervous, and filled with dreams of becoming an idol. Johnny, on the other hand, was already a seasoned performer, having spent time as an SM Rookies member. He was confident, outgoing, and seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Jeno couldn't help but admire him from a distance. In the practice rooms, Jeno would watch Johnny's every move. How he effortlessly picked up new choreography, how he charmed everyone with his easy smile, how he interacted with the other members, making them all feel like they were part of something special. Johnny was a natural leader, a magnetic force, and Jeno felt like a small planet orbiting around him.


As the months passed, they started to get to know each other better. Johnny, despite his initial intimidating aura, was actually quite approachable. He took Jeno under his wing, offering guidance and support. They would share meals after practice, talk about their dreams, and even have the occasional heart-to-heart conversation about the pressures of the industry. Jeno realized that beneath Johnny's charismatic exterior, he was just as human, just as vulnerable, as the rest of them.

The turning point came when NCT finally debuted. Jeno found himself in the subunit NCT Dream, while Johnny was placed in NCT 127. Their paths diverged, and they didn't see each other as often as they used to, but they kept in touch through texts and calls. Jeno missed the days when they could practice together and share stories late at night. He missed Johnny's warm presence and the feeling of being protected in his shadow.

The years went by, and NCT evolved. New members joined, and their schedules became increasingly hectic. Jeno was busy with NCT Dream's promotions, and Johnny with NCT 127's. Despite the distance, their friendship remained strong. They would send each other messages, snippets of their lives, and moments of encouragement. But for Jeno, something was changing.


It was NCT 2020, and Jeno was no longer the wide-eyed kid he once was. He had grown into a confident performer, a beloved member of NCT Dream, and a young man who was beginning to understand his own heart. He found himself thinking about Johnny more often, not just as a friend and mentor, but as someone who occupied a special place in his heart.

Jeno's feelings were a maelstrom of emotions. He felt nervous, excited, and fearful all at once. He didn't want to jeopardize the friendship they had built over the years. What if Johnny didn't feel the same way? What if he did, but things changed between them? It was a dilemma that gnawed at Jeno's soul, and he knew he needed advice.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now