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hey gals and non binary palsssss, this is a book filled with bella and their character oneshots.

this book contains SMUT


once again, if bella says their uncomfortable with this. i will delete it. i would never cross someone's boundaries for my own pleasure.


i mostly write for bella and kelsey but im honestly down to do anything.

every character im coo with writing with will be mentioned here

- Kelsey (smut, fluff, whatever)

- Mildred (fluff only and kindergarten ass kissing like extremely short pecks etheir on the lips or cheek. no where else)

- Jane grey (if you can convince me otherwise, i will most likely not be writing smut for her. jane greys historical accurate age is 16-17 so ill think about it. i will totalllyy write fluff. if i do write smut which i most likely will not it will be extremely soft and sweet.)

- Bella (fluff, makeout scenes. honestly anything besides smut im coo with

- Evelyn (fluff, makeout sences)


thats all for now. check back for more soonish (probably never)



Pictures Of You - Bella Ramsey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now