purity ring | kelsey x reader *

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you guys got out of prison 7 months ago and you guys got married

I have this purity ring since I was 13. I got it on my 13th birthday to promise I wouldn't have sex with a man until im married, considering I've already dealed drugs and almost murdered someone it's basically useless. I mean they never said I couldn't have sex with a woman...

Kelsey pushes me up against the wall and slips her hands under my shirt. Hands trailing up to my bra, "can I?" She asks referring to unclasping my bra.
"yea.." I say and in almost no time she unclasped it within 2 seconds.

Her hands trail back down to my waist and she countines to makeout with me, i place my hands on her face and sloppily kiss her.

She puts her hands on the back of my thighs, picking me up and setting me on the bed. She pulls my shirt off and kisses my stomach. she does that for a few minutes before trailing down to my pants.

"Fuck.." I breathed out. Kelsey pulls my pants down and starts to rub circles on my clothed clit. she leans down and kisses my inner thighs. I attach my hand to her head combing my fingers through her hair. She puts her arms through the gap of my thigh and lower leg, gripping onto my hips.

She begins to eat me out, gripping her hands even tighter on my hips. I run my hand through her hair in a way of telling her how good she's doing. "kelseyfuck imgonnacumimgonnacum" i jamble my words together as I reach my high, "Oh fuck!" I moan and throw my head back, eyes rolling almost to the back of my head. My back arches slightly, my hand going down to her head and I just hold it there. Calming down from my previous orgasm.

My back slowly unarches and my eyes go back to their normal state. I look down and Kelsey's still there, she's only there because I'm basically holding her head there. I take my hand off her head and she pulls away. Leaning forward and placing a kiss on my lips.

she pulls her shorts down halfway leaving her in her boxers which she should not look that good in. she slightly smiles at me, me being distracted at her smile i didn't realize she pulled out her strap.

I feel the tip hit my entrance, "did you.." i start to say and she just nods, "go ahead" i tell her. "Are you sure? this might hurt a bit.." she says because it is my first time.

"Yes go ahead baby" i say and she slowly puts the tip in, slowly pushing the rest of the 8 inches in. "fuck..." i whisper. "You alright?" She asks "mhm" i reply.

"okay if it hurts tell me and I'll stop." She tells me and I nod.

Since I was already wet it didn't take that much effort to put it in. Once it was fully in she starts thrusting in and out slowly then a bit faster. Hitting my g-spot everytime. "Kelsey fuck!" I moan out which just makes her go harder. I let out a loud moan.

"Right there baby" i moan and she follows my directions, countining to hit that place with every thrust. "So fucking tight.." she says as if she can actually feel it. She always does that but it boosts my confidence ethier way.

"Ohh" i moan throwing back head back as I cum all over the solid black silicon.

She pulls out, looking down at my trembling body. "You okay?" She asks running her fingertips up and down my waist. "Mhm.." i hum. "Good.." She says leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my lips, pulling away and taking her strap off, pulling her shorts back up, cleaning me up and putting my clothes back on.

20 minutes later we're laying in bed cuddling, I start to fall asleep on her, i didn't feel her take my ring off and go out the room.

2 hours later I wake up, Kelsey's no where to be seen. I sit up and she walks into the room. "Oh hi baby" she says. "Hi honey.." i reply looking down at my hands, noticing my ring was gone.

"Kels have you seen my-" i look behind me and my purity ring band is on my old necklace chain, around her neck.

"Kelsey...." I say getting up and walking towards her. Once I'm close enough she puts her hands on my waist, causing me to look up at her.

"Hm?" She says trying to keep a shraight face. "I actually hate you" I say giggling. "No you dont you love me so much" she says. "Maybe. Now come and cuddle with your wife because you fucking left her while she was sleeping." I say pulling her onto the bed.

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