i dont wanna talk rn | bella x reader

277 7 12

warnings: SAD, clingy!reader, voice rasing, mentions of periods idk why that shoild be a warning though lmao, kissing, fem reader


bella and i's periods sync up, so whenever their moody, im also moody. but today was different. bella was moody and i was clingy and moody. not moody in the way bella was, i was moody in a 'i just wanna cuddle you' way, and bella was moody in a 'leave me alone' way

i wanted to love and cuddle bella but they pushed me away every time.

were lying on the couch and i try to cuddle bella by wrapping my arms around them. bella was scrolling through reels on their phone and then they turn around, causing my arms to fall off them.

"bella?" i say. "what y/n?" they reply harshly. "nevermind im sorry" i say. "if your gonna keep saying nevermind stop saying my name." they say.


about one hour later i try again, walking into the bedroom where bella was lying then i crawled on the bed, crawling over to bella and then lying down next to them. i softly kiss the corner of their mouth and lie down, resting my head on their shoulder watching what their watching on their phone.

"y/n can you please leave me alone for a bit?" bella says.

"yeah im sorry." i get up off the bed and walk into the living room, i sit on the couch and bring my knees up to my chest, resting my forehead on them and looking down.

i know im sensitive, but maybe i just wanted to feel loved by my own partner.

bella didnt seem sorry for what they said or did, they just pushed me away like i was just a friend. i softly cry into my knees. its very silent, which is rare because either musics playing or me and bella are talking, tuning out the rest of the world and enjoying eachothers presence. today wasnt like that. i could very clearly hear the outside world.

i hear footsteps walking into the living room rrom our bedroom. they get closer and suddenly i feel a dip in the couch. i hear bellas soft voice.

"im sorry y/n" they say. i lift my head up from my knees and look at them. "i get that your just trying to be nice, im sorry i pushed you away. i still love you alot i just needed my own space in that moment. will you please forgive me, my love?"

i think for a second before i nod, removing my knees from my chest, i wrap my arms around bellas neck and hug them. they lean back, causing me to rest on their chest with my face in their neck.

i pull away from bellas neck with a smile on my face. "thats my girl" bella says smiling. i place a kiss on their lips before i place my face back in their neck. soaking in their warmth and safety i feel when im with them.

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