"ellie put that down."

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summary: you and ellie find this old vape/adult store and are looking around, ellie picks something up that neither of you should be looking at.

you and ellie are 14

tw: nothing just funny stuff


me and ellie are walking around this old town, joels fixing car stuff, i dont know im not into cars.

we come across this old store, plants and vines cover the logo. we walk in and i get distracted by these long glass looking vases?

"whats this?" i ask ellie holding the 'glass vase' "i dunno, maybe its a vase?" she says as a question

i see vapes, cigarettes, weed...

"okay.. what the fuck is this.." ellie says laughing holding up a long microphone thing attached too a cord.

"Ellie oh my god.. put that down.."
i say knowing exactly what it was, mainly because the people i used too be with before i found ellie and joel, where much older than me and did stuff. containing stuff using that.

"why what is it?" she asks placing her hand on the head of it.

"cmon lets just go." i say and take her hand making her drop it. leading both of us out.


sorry this was a short one, hope you liked it lol

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