helping out | kelsey x reader

381 5 16

warnings: smut, strap use, head!giving,

paring; dom!reader x sub!kelsey

you guys are just dating but you live in an apartment together


when i got home from work i could hear faint irritated groans. wondering what it could be i closed the door and walked to me and kelseys room. i slowly open the door and see kelsey lying down on our bed. hand in her pants painting circles around her clit.

"hey babe what are you doin'?" i say, i guess she didnt realize i was right here because she flinched.

"oh fuck uh im not-" she pulls her hand out her pants.
"you need help?" i ask. she pitifully nods. "alright babygirl"

i got changed into normal clothes and out of my work clothes, now im in between kelseys legs.

i lick a stripe up her pussy, i kissed her clit and started to eat her out. "y/n" she moaned. my tounge lapping against her folds, i held her thighs to stop her from squirming.

i suck on her sensitive bud, using my tounge to flick against her clit. her legs were already shaking and her thighs squeezed against my head. "y/n/n im- im gonna cum-" she says. "cum when i tell you to."

"y/n i cant fuck" she moans.

"yes you can baby" i mumble against her pussy. "please.." she whines desperately.

i begin to kiss her inner thighs. "cum for me now" i say and she immediately does. "good girl."

"y/nn.." she whines. "i know babygirl." i get up to grab my strap on. pulling my pants down leaving myself in my underwear, slipping the strap up my legs and adjusting it on my hips. i walk back over to kelsey whos lying on the bed with her legs spread.

"gorgeous girl" i mumble, i see a light blush appearing on her cheeks. making me softly smile. i lean down to place a kiss on her forehead then on her lips.

i place the head of the cock against her entrance, teasing her by sliding the tip up and down her folds. "you ready?" i ask gently. shes nods, i slowly push the full length into her pussy, watching her faical expression change as she feels the silicon filling her up. kelseys already wet so i could start thrusting faster almost instantly.

she groans lowly, i grab onto her hips and pound into her. she moaned and whimpered with every thrust. her moans causing my own cunt to start getting wet. "fuck kels..' i groan.

her whines only make me go faster. i grip onto her waist. her boobs boucing with each thrust, "fuck you feel so good-" i groan.

"y/nn.." she whines. "fuck!" she cries out. "oh my god!" she groans, throwing her head back.

kelsey covers her mouth and whines and groans into her palm. "you like how im fucking you?" i speak between pleasured grunts. "y-yeah" she whimpers out.

"im gonna cum" she softly says, i notice her back starting to arch. "thats it baby" i chuckle softly.

i pound into her a bit harder as i realize shes about to cum. "im gonna cum" she repeats. i rub circles on her clit and she cums, "thats my girl.." i now rub circles on her inner thigh. "you did so good" i say, she softly smiles. "i love you"

"love you too" she replys, i lean down to kiss her.

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