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Warning!!: this is not an x reader imagine. i thought of this and genuinely found it so cute soo

your age: 32

song: Pretend - alex g  (listen while reading the first half)
song 2: Evergreen - richy mitch and the whatever whatever OR Space Song by beach house (listen to this when y/n says "dad?")

backstory: on the first day of the outbreak you and your father (tommy) got separated. 20 years later you find joel and ellie, since youve chnaged so much joel obviously doesn't remember you as his neice so your basically just another girl like ellie in his eyes. youve always thought that he looked like your uncle but you doubted it. one day you go to jackson (because joels looking for tommy) and you find out that your standing in front of your father and uncle you havent seen in 20 years.

(sorry for that long ass backstory but here ya go)


When i was 15, there was an virus outbreak. I got separated from my dad, my uncle and my best friend. also my cousin, Sarah. she was like a younger sister too me. we always used to joke around if we werent cousins we'd definitely be sisters.

Sarah was the only person i told everything, she was my best friend and losing her was fucking hard.

now im 35 and the virus is still going on. i dont know if any of my family is even still alive.

i found these two people, a man and a girl who looks like shes around 13. the man told me too just come with them.

its been over 4 months since ive been with the two. i thought the man kind of looked like the uncle, considering they have the same name is also concerning. i lost on outbreak day but i wasnt too sure so i just put those thoughts to the back of my head.

me and the younger girl get along, her name is Ellie. She reminds me of Sarah, which gets me emotional sometimes because i realize if she was still here she wouldnt still be 12.

aside from that, Joel wants too find his brother, i dont know his name. i wanna know but i dont want to ask.

"are we there yet?" Ellie groans throw her head back.
"only about 1 hour" Joel tells her. im caught up in my thoughts so their tuned out a bit.

"Hey y/n? you okay?" "y/n?" "y/nnnnn" "earth to y?nn" Ellie repeatedly asks. "oh im sorry, yeah im fine." i shoot her a quick smile.

Ellies going on about some "River of Death" stuff. all the sudden we hear horses whinnying.

"Get behind me" Joel says too Ellie. I stand next to Joel sort of behind him but not really. Ellie pulls me fully behind him. in a protective way. im way taller and older than her so i dont know how she'd protect me, but ethier way it felt nice knowing someone cared for me.

"We're just passin' through." Joel says to the man on the horse. "Drop the gun." The man says. "You two, take five steps back." The man says again to me and Ellie. "who the fuck does he think he is?" i mumble too Ellie and she agrees.

"How bout we just talk this through?" Joel says
"How bout you shut the fuck up?"
"You been near infected?" the man asks.
"Theres no infected out here." Joel says.
"The hell there aint." the man replys.

the man whistled at a dog and it started barking:
"If youve been infected, he will smell it, and he will rip you up."

The black dog started to sniff around Ellie and starts playing with her.

"What are you doin out here?" says the man.
"i'm just lookin for my brother."
"Thats all nothin more." joel finishes

we get into the small town, Joel looks too the side. im pretty sure he sees his brother? maybe i don't know. "Tommy!" he yells out and my heart skipped a beat. is that..?

he gets off the horse and they walk towards eachother. I look at the man closer. i inspected the man closer then i realized, "that man is my dad.." i say to Ellie. "wait what?" she says and i get off the horse we where both on.

"Dad?!" i yell out. they both turn to look at me. "Y/n?!" he yells back as i speed walk closer too them. "oh my god!" i say and start tearing up. "babygirl.." he says and takes my face in his hands. i go in to hug him very tightly, like he was going too run away or something. we stay there for awhile then Joel says

"All this time, ive been with you and i didnt even know.." he says and pulls me into a hug. i hug him back still crying. Ellie walks up to us. "whats going on? why is y/n crying?" she asks concerned.

"Ellie.. Joels my uncle, and thats my dad" i say, tears drying up a bit. "do you not like them or something why are you crying?" she asks. "No.." i say giggling, "i havent seen my dad in 20 years. i didnt even know that joel was my uncle" i say smiling through dried tears. "Holy shit!" Ellie exclaims.

"Yeah.." i say.




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