insecurites | bella x reader

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warnings: insecure reader, crying, kissing

bellas like 5,6 in this

while bellas in the bathroom y/n stands in front of her and bella shared while mirror taking in the outfit she picked out for her and bellas date. it was a knee length sage green dress with her doc martens. she looked at it from the side.

you dont even know why bella likes you. you have small boobs, barely any ass, your stomach isnt flat. she tears up at the thought and tugs on the front of hers dress. in hopes it will change the image.

y/n turned around with tears falling from her eyes.
right as a turn around bella walks in our room wearing their white button up and their black jeans. along with their own doc martens, their hair is down and they have their glasses on, they looked so pretty. "hi beautif-" they start to say. "why are you crying baby what's wrong?" they ask, walking over to y/n and grabbing her hands that where rubbing her eyes.

"talk to me baby.." they look down at you considering your 3 inches shorter than them. "why do you like me?" you ask. "what do you mean??" they say. rubbing their thumb against the back of your hands.

"im so ugly bella. i have small boobs, my stomach isnt flat like all the other girls. why do you even bother to date me?"

"baby... dont say that. i love every bit of you. you are pure beauty in my eyes. you dont even know how much i love you. if i could show you i would. i love you so fucking much. your stomach is beautiful.. and your boobs arent even small? where is this even coming from honey.?" they say, pulling you onto you guys' bed and on their lap. wrapping their arms around your waist. tilting their head up to look at you.

you have your hands on your lap. "i dont know. i just love you and i dont want you leaving me because i dont meet your standards."

"standards? pfft. i love you and only you. your the only girl i want. i only have eyes for you. if i could choose any girl to date id instantly choose you. no doubt about it. i love you so much y/n you dont even know"

you grin at their words. "theres my pretty girl" they say dragging out the L. "i love you bella."

"i love you more." they reply
"thats not true because i love you more"

"shh no you dont."

"mhmmm" you hum placing your hand on their neck and kissing their lips softly. they return.

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