bath | bella x reader

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warnings: being naked in front of bella, not in a sexual way tho. kissing, cursing, lowkey kinda cringe but in a couple way, mentions of eating


"baby im home" i shout, in a blank tone. "hey love" they say, placing their hands on my waist and kissing me gently. "hi" i say after they pull away. "you okay?"

"yeah im fine." i reply. "how did filming go?" bella asks me, "fine, i had to fight Tartarus and it was sooo many takes. like 90. no joke it took up all my energy."

"aw im sorry, you wanna take a bath?" they ask and i nod, wrapping my arms around their neck, acting like a baby. they chuckle. "alright"


"alright baby, take off your clothes" they say. i frown jokingly. "oh my goodness. ive seen you naked plenty of times."

i slowly take off my shirt, revealing my bra and i pull my pants down, revealing not mine, but bellas boxers.

bella laughs. "bella dont laugh" i whine. "im sorryy, its just funny" they place their hands on my waist. i jokeingly pout. "your such a baby" they say. "alright, get naked."

i laugh, stripping the rest of my clothing off. "oh my god" they say, the god sounding more like gawd.

"oh shut up" i step in the bathtub, sitting down. bella sits down on the floor in front of the bathtub. bella looks down at my chest. looking there for a bit.

"my eyes are up here darling." i say. "oh. sorry." they akawardly chuckle. they grab the shower head, wetting my hair. "tilt your head back" they say, placing their hand on the back of my neck, holding it my head back for me.

"baby you dont have to do this, i can shower myself. "i want to though." they say. "alright" i reply.

once bella was finished washing my hair. "do you wanna wash your body or do you want me to?" they ask softly. "i can do it but if you-"

"this isnt about what i wanna do, what do you want want to do."

"can you do it..?" i ask softly. "of course"


after that, while i was getting changed into a new pair of clothes bella had made dinner, when we were finished eating we sat on the couch and cuddled while watching the new episode of my show, percy jackson which came out yesterday.

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