"i got you.." hbo!ellie x reader

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warnings: david, blood, reader shoots david in the head, reader finds ellie instead of joel. attempted rape. Reader discretion is advised.

song: my love mine all mine - mitski

this covers a tiny bit of the readers backstory also,


your pov:

ellie told me to stay back at the abandoned house with joel. watching as hes almost unconscious, the only weapon i have is black handled a pocket knife, my brother, carl, gave to me when he got bit. i was 4 years old when i was crying over his dead body.

exiting my transe, watching as joel sleeps making sure hes still breathing. ellie put some medicine in his bitemark earlier. i dont know what shes doing now but i hope shes safe.

i stand up, i grab a knife from the ground and walk back over to joel, wrapping his hand around it saying these words.

"Im going to look for ellie. If anyone comes down here you fucking kill them joel. you fucking kill them you hear me?" i say and he slightly nods, just to let me know he can hear me.

i stand up, grabbing my backpack and joels pistol and putting it in the pocket of my backpack. i wanna put it in my jean pocket but joel would kill me.

looking at him once more for a few seconds before leaving. i exit the room and push a bookcase in front of the door.

walking out of the house, closing the door. minutes go by and from a distance i see a unconscious horse and a backpack.. i walk closer to it. realizing the keychain and pins.

"fuck.." i mumble as i realize its ellies.. "fuck fuck fuck fuck" i start to panic. i stare at it. not knowing where ellie could be. then i realize, she told me who she got the medicine from. where the people were located. the person she got it from she discribed as creepy looking, red hair?? old man.

i start to run through the tree scattered land. the sticks beneath the snow crunching as a run across them.

i stumble on a loose tree branch and fall. "fuck.." i say after i lift my face up from the ground. quickly getting back up i become more aware of my surroundings considering i now have my gun in my hand.

i start to hear clicking sounds. "oh fuck" i mumble, placing my finger over the trigger and aiming it, just incase.

it slowly fades and i put my gun down, taking my finger off the trigger.

i countine to walk. i see a town looking place, i see a building fire up ahead. walking over towards it, God i hope ellies not in here. which she was. i open the door. holding my gun up, finger hovering over the trigger. i see ellies jacket which is on the floor and my heart starts racing. i speed walk into the other room, where the fire started.

i see a man straddling over another person in front of me.

"i thought you already knew? the fightings the part i like the most." the man says to the girl with a slight chuckle. the girl screams, and thats when i realize.

that girl is ellie.

i stand in complete fear. after a couple seconds i run over to them. slowly sneaking behind him. aiming the gun at his head.

"dont worry... theres no fear in love" he says and ellie screams again. thats when i shot him. his blood splattered on my face, not caring about anything but getting ellie and getting the fuck out.

ellie sits up. her face in complete fear. her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead, david and her own blood on her face.

"ellie.." i whisper. she stands up. walking closer to me. "he tried to-" she says "oh ellie.." i say softly, she hugs me. traumatized by what happened.

hugging her back. listening to her cries.

we exited the burning building. now outside, walking back to where joel is. we came across the unconscious horse and ellies backpack again. i pick her backpack up for her. giving it back to her.

"thanks.." she says tiredly.

we get back to the abandoned house. i speed walk over to the door covered by the bookcase. shoving it into the other wall. making the door visible. grabbing ellies hand softly and walking down there.

we sat silently next to the mattress joel was on. ellie was staring intently at him. while i was staring intently at her.

watching my best friend fade away.

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