guiding you through | kelsey x reader

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warnings: drug use, strap use, fingering, kelsey eating you out, hair pulling, no foreplay, petnames (mama, babe, babygirl, good girl, princess)

this is before she even got arrested so sadly she is still an addict, she told adam she couldnt come over because she was going to her "friends" house.

(by the way, adam is super manipulative towards kelsey and cant ever claim hes wrong in any situation)


as you ride back and forth on kelseys strap she has a grip on you hips as she tells you how good your doing for her.

"just like that princess" shes guides your hips back and forth as she smokes on a blunt. "go a bit slower for me mama" she tells you in which you return. "kels" you whimper

"whats wrong babygirl?" she says. "i cant take it" i whimper again. "yes you can princess, yes you can. your doing so good for me." she brings the blunt back up to her lips and inhales the smoke

"mmfuck" you moan. "such a good girl" she smirks at you getting completely lost on her dick.  while looking down at her, trying to keep eye contact but you just cant. you close your eyes. "kelsey i cant-" you moan. "i got you baby, keep your eyes on me" she guides you by placing her hand on your hip.

"kels its to much" i whimper. "your okay baby. ive got you"

your practically on cloud 9 already. "kels-" you groan
you lean down to kiss her and as you place your lips on hers, still riding her 8 inches. she exhales the smoke into your mouth. you moan against her lips.

you pull away and stuff your face in her neck. you let out a loud groan as you reach your high. "kelsey im gonna cum im gonna cum"

"go ahead princess. cum for me." she tells you. you pull away from her neck and let out a loud groan. throwing your head back as your hands are pressed against her chest which is covered by a gray sports bra and you come all over her strap.

"so fucking pretty" she says, flicking the blunt away and moving your hands off her chest. she grabs both sides of your face and kisses you roughly, it turning more and more gentle as you continue to kiss.

you pull away with a string of spit still attached, it breaking once you lean back and take the strap out of your cunt. laying next to kelsey. you sit up.

she switches positions making to where your below her.

she slides back into you quickly, thrusting fast, you let out a moan and loose eye contact, closing my eyes due to the pleasure. "pretty girl open those eyes for me yeah?"

i look at her and my vision starts blurring as tears from the pleasure start swelling my eyes. "kelsey i cant take it" i whine. "yes you can baby. you doing so good your so close."

"kels" i whine as my legs start to shake and i hug her body closer to me for support. she leans down and kisses my neck. "kelsey fuck im gonna cum" i whimper.

"cum for me baby"

"you okay princess?" she asks you as she gets up and bends down to pick up the smoked blunt on the floor, throwing it away.

she walks over to you. standing in front of you while your sitting on the edge of the bed. you wrap your arms around her waist as she steps closer. you guys sit in eachothers presence for awhile before she pulls away and lays you on your back.

she goes in between your legs and kisses your inner thighs. stopping at your cunt. "so pretty baby" she says as she slides her fingers into your pussy.

she curls them against your walls, hitting your gspot which makes you groan. she removes her fingers and puts her mouth on your pussy, flicking her tounge at your clit.

you tug on her hair letting her know that shes doing good. "im gonna cum dont stop" you moan, finishing fast because of the pleasure you already have on my clit.

"do it. cum for me baby."

after that, you guys got cleaned up and kelsey called adam to tell him that shes spending the night at your house.

"why?" you hear over the telephone.

"because i want to?"

"whatever. should of came to my house instead"

"im allowed to have friends, adam."

"yeah yeah"

"alright, bye i love you" she hangs up

kelsey walks over towards you, whos laying on my bed. she gets under the covers with you and you lay in eachothers presence.

"whats up with him?"

"adam?" she asks. "yeah" "i dunno, hes always been like that. hes just worried thats all."

you make a pfft sound and hug her closer. you wrap your arms around her her and she has hers around your waist.

"i love you" she says.

"i love you too"

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