the knee thing | kelsey x reader

467 1 9

its short but it will b good
you guys got out of prison like a week ago

I place my hands on the sides of kelseys face as she pushes me on the bed and roughly makes out with me.

I let out a short moan and she slips her tongue on my bottom lip, asking for permission and i open my mouth, giving her approval.

all you can hear in the room in messy kissing sounds and the quiet moans you guys let out. "baby fuck.." kelsey groans on my lips.

my hands slide down to her neck. she groans at the touch and places her knee in between my thighs. i moan her name as she rubs her knee in circles on my clit. i can feel the movements much better considering i only have underwear and a bra on.

she goes down to kiss my neck, "your so so fucking gorgeous" she says in between kisses.

"kelsey please fuck me please baby" I beg.
she giggles at my desperate-ness and starts to kiss my lower stomach, removing her knee and replacing it with her two middle fingers

"fuck princess your so wet for me" she says looking in my eyes expanding my wetness with her words.

she sits back up, making heat rise to my cheeks as i lay below her gaze. putting her knee back in between my thighs. i start to grind against her sweatpant covered knee. her hands on my hips guiding my movements. she gives small praises as i almost start to finish on her knee.

"your doing so good baby" "just like that" "good girl"
the words coming out of her mouth are almost enough to make me orgasm. "oh fuck!" i moan as i finish. she slows down allowing me to ride it out.

she pulls her knee away and she now has a damp sticky spot on her knee. the grey fabric making it darker.

she leans forward to kiss my one more time. it was long and passionate. she pulls away and falls beside me. making me wrap my arms around her waist and falling into a deep sleep.

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