us and them | kelsey x reader

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warnings: homophobia, uncensored slur use (faggot, dykes), cursing obv, throwing up
requested by: sw1ftsfilms
recovering!pregnant!bisexual!kelsey x lesbian!reader

y/ns pov

me and kelsey are lying on the couch watching the television. kelseys about 10 weeks pregnant, shes basically using me as a body pillow right now but thats alright. we started dating about 2 months ago whenever kelsey left adam. he was still dealing and using drugs and even when kelsey told him how she felt he said he'd quit but he kept relapsing. kelsey told me he didnt even try to quit.

anyways, he was a total dick. kelsey said he was a good boyfriend but not in the way she wanted him to be, he'd buy her stuff and give her drugs for free and tell her he loved her but all kelsey wanted was just for someone to be supportive of her.

i hear a knock on the door and kelsey peeks her head up, about to get up. "ill get it baby just stay here yeah?" i say softly, she nods.

i open the door. "hello?" i ask. an unfamiliar womans face being on the other side of the steel apartment door. "is kelsey here?" she asks. seeming to be eager to talk to my girlfriend.

"uh yeah.." i say. "can i talk to her?" she asks. "yeah" i turn my head around and kelsey slowly stands up, placing her hand on her stomach. kelsey doesn't realize whos at the door until she gets beside me.

"hey- what the fuck are you doing here" she says. me, still clueless about the fact kelsey has beef with some random 50 year old woman.

"i wanna talk to you." she says. "hold on." kelsey reaches in front of me and closes the door. "whats wrong baby?" i ask her. "thats adams mum" my eyes widen. "what? why is she here?" "i dont know."

kelsey opens the door back up. his mum was actually good looking for her age. i mean she didnt have grey hairs. adam favors her a bit, but she also looks like shes a prostitute.

kelsey steps out and so do i, "why did you leave adam?" she asks. "hes a fucking addict!"

"so were you!" she throws up her arms in defense. "yeah but i recovered." kelsey says. "weve heard that multiple times kelsey."

"maybe if you werent a lame accuse of a fucking mother and actually raised your son right i wouldve maybe stayed with him." she yells, i look to the side and theres someone peeking their head out their door. i do that head thing that people do to say hi without actually saying anything.

"maybe if you werent such a slag and hadn't fucked my son every night you wouldnt have gotten pregnant in the first place!" she yells. "oh look miss prostitute is talking!" kelsey shouts back.

adams mum scoffs in response. "your getting on me for being a prostitute but guess what? i found you and adams sex videos last night so dont try to act so fucking innocent cos your not." she says, i can tell kelseys heart dropped in that moment. "why were you fucking watching them vivan?" kelsey yells.

she stays silent. "adam couldve gave you anything." she yells. "what more heroin??" i step in. "shut up you fucking dyke" she yells. "dont fucking talk to her like that!" kelsey yells. "or what" she replys.

kelsey slaps her across the face. my jaw drops. "fuck you you faggot!" she yells as me and kelsey walk inside.

kelsey speed walks into the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet and throws up. i quickly kneel down next to her and rub her back. i dont know if this is is apart of the pregnancy sickness or she was sick at the fact adams mom was watching her sons sex videos.

"its okay baby.. let it all out." i rub circles on her back.
she pulls away and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"im gonna be sick.." she says, collapsing onto me with her arms around my neck. "whats wrong my love talk to me" i ask. her chin rests on my shoulder i glide my hand up and down her back. soothing her to tell me.

"im just so sick about the fact shed watch her sons sex videos." she says. "and now i know shes seen me naked."

"im sorry baby.." i say, rubbing her back.


me and kelsey are back to watching the television but now in our bed, shes lying her head on my shoulder, her arm draped across my chest, her leg draped over my legs.

kelsey has calmed down. ive been running my fingers through her hair for a while. she might be asleep.

she is, i pull the blanket over us and i slowly fall asleep myself. its 9pm so this is considered us going to bed.

"i love you" i whisper before dosing off

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