meeting the family 💪

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dont mind the aesthetic change in the title but heres a longish imagine for my pookies 🙏🙏
this is gonna be super detailed like melanie martinez k-12 style so be prepared ‼️‼️
• bella x female!reader
• slightly inspired by ineedbellaramsey 🤭
TW: small homophobic remarks, one tiny reference too previous smut if you squint, but nothing else just cute fluff and whatnot, slight making out (in part 2)

bellas pov:
me and y/n have been together for about 6 months. well today im meeting her entire family, well not entire but you get it. im a little nervous. she told me about some of her family members before. the only ones I personally know currently are her parents and siblings which are the same people me and y/n are riding in a car with.

im watching my girlfriend as shes picking out rings too wear. "is everyone almost ready?" i hear outside the crack of my girlfriends door "Yea!" y/n replied. out of boredom, i sit up from her bed and walk over too her wrapping my arms around her waist.

your pov:
i feel bellas arms wrap around my waist and my stomach swarms with butterflies and heat rises too my cheeks. stepping out of my trance i turn around too face and look bella into the eyes. both leaning in for a kiss we were interrupted my my older brother banging on my door. "You coming out or not? were all waiting in the car." he says annoyed. "Yea give us a second!" i reply and give bella a quick kiss on the lips before we both walk outside, shut the door and get in the car.

we both got in the back seat and bella placed their hand on my leg. since the drive was around 2 hours i got a bit sleepy because me and bella were up basically all night doing.. homework! yeah totally homework. human anatomy am i right?! ignoring the thought i just had about last night i laid my head down on their shoulder listening too the songs playing on the radio.

bellas pov:
i think y/n is a bit tired, she has her head on my shoulder i take her hand in mine and rub the back of it with my thumb.

y/n had just woken up around 3 minutes before we arrived at her grandparents house. she looked up at me and kissed my cheek, i smiled softly and looked down at her leaving the previous gaze i was in. "hi baby" i say quietly and softly because the car was completely silent and didnt want everyone too hear me calling my girlfriend petnames, "hi" she replied back smiling, soon enough after that we arrived at her grandparents house. we all walked up too the front door and
y/ns sister knocked on the door. i saw her grandma through the glass door and y/n quickly took my hand.

your pov:
we all walked in and i saw my grandpa and my two cousins where in the kitchen, "whos this?" my grandpa asked, "this is bella, my uh.. um, uhh.." i trail off not knowing what too say because im not sure how they would react, "girlfriend.." i mumble softly. "Your what?" my cousin said. "my girlfriend." i said confentfly while glancing over too bella who was smiling softly at me. "Oh.." my cousin replied with a fake laugh. my smile faded as i grabbed bellas hand and made my way too the living room where the rest of my family where. i get a boost of confidence and me and bella sit on the couch next too my brother and sister, im still holding on bellas hand but im not scared about what my family's going too think. i proudly hold their hand in front of my semi-homophobic family.

my other cousin whos not homophobic at all and is basically my best friend. smiles at the both of us "Sooo whos this?" she says smiling. "my girlfriend!" i reply my grandma gives us a semi-dirtylook and i just brush it off.

part two is gonna be out tonight i have a motivation boost 💪

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