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sub!kelsey x dom!reader
backstory: you arent in prison anymore


i start to kiss down her neck, her hand attaching to my head as i go down lower and lower. i get down to her shorts and place small kisses on her lower stomach.

"can i take these off?" i ask and she says yes. i take of her shorts leaving her in her underwear and bra. "god your so fucking gorgeous" i spread her legs a bit and kiss her inner thighs. "y/n" she moans my name. she always acts tough when it comes to sex but im topping her oh its a whole different story. "yes baby?" i say in between kisses. "please" she moans and throws her head back.

i take off her underwear and i get to work. her hand guiding my movements "oh fuck y/n" she says dragging out my name. "oh y/n!" she moans again.
shes definitely enjoying this. her back arches and she tugs on my hair. she whimpers as her orgasm reaches.

i pull away and insert my two middle fingers into her vagina, she throws her head back and i began too move my fingers inside of her at a fast pace. "baby" she moans. "i know i know" i say getting wet myself.

i pull out once she finishes and shes all sweaty, "you should do that more often" she says while i clean her up and slip her underwear back on. "oh yeah?" i say laying down next to her.

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