bella x afab reader

413 7 4

mentions of periods, fluff

your pov:

today I woke up at 7am and i was extremely tired, i mean i started my period today so i was really upset. bella wasnt here when i woke up so that made me even more upset. i just wanna cuddle with them and go back to sleep.

i pick up my phone, the bright light making me squint i click on life360 to see where bellas at and i see that their at work. they must of needed them on set today. i groan in annoyance as i just want my partner.

i get up and start to make the bed. and by making the bed i mean pulling the blanket above the pillows and calling it a day.

skippers not here either so bella must've took her to set with them. i sit down on the couch and open my computer which is next to me.

i read a few articles about myself and other celebrities. its not good for my mental health but i just wanna know what other people think of me. not that their toxic opinions matter i just wanna know what their saying.

the time is now 8pm and i miss bella more than ever. i pick up my phone and click their contact. i text them

"hey baby when are you coming home? i miss u." i hit send and wait for a few minutes as their probably filming.

i lay my head down and as soon as i close my eyes i hear a ding

"hi baby im about to leave i just need to do one more scene, ill be home in like half an hour." i read and smile. "okay see u later i love you"

an hour goes by and i hear keys rattling in the door. i stand up very fast and open the door for them. i look to make sure it's actually bella, it is. i let them in and close the door. they put down skipper who was in their arms.

i lean in to softly kiss them on the lips and one of their hands attaches to one side of my waist. after a few seconds we pull away. "my goodness ive been waiting to do that all day long" i say dragging out the g making it sound dramatic. "well im here now come come" they say dragging me to the couch. sitting down and oulling me on their lap.

"so whatd you do today?" they ask. "i dunno, i mean i woke up at 7 and couldnt go back to sleep. found out i started my period and got upset. then i found out you werent here and got even more upset..." i trail off.

"darlingg" they say in a soft-ish voice. i put my head in their neck. and straddle them to were im clinging onto them. they switch our position so now im laying on top of then with my head in their neck. taking in their scent. i place a small gentle kiss on their neck and place my hand on the back of it.

its currently 9pm, me and bella just chatting about random things. we go silent and i break it with an "i love you"

"i love you too." they say.

i woke up on the couch and heard water running in the bathroom. bellas in the shower. i sit up and check my phone. its 10:27 pm. i turn the tv on and scroll through netflix. passing by "The Worst Witch" smiling when i see little bella. funny to think about how that person is in my house. i brush off that thought considering it sounded extremely creepy.

i turn it on and its already on the 5th episode because one day i missed bella so much that i just watched a bunch of their projects.

the theme song starts to play and bella comes out of the bathroom smiling. i quickly mute the tv and exit out of netflix in embarrassment.

"Heyyy whyd you shut it off?" they ask. "becauseeeee" i say and they sit down next to me.

"turn it back on baby pleasee" bella says. "fine." i say turning back to netflix, unmuting the tv to be brought face to face with baby bella. "wow.. making better eye contact with me at 14 than you do now.. now you just get all flustered" i say smiling "Hey! i dont get flustered" they saying blushing. "Your blushing as we speak!" i say giggling

"no im not!" they say dragging out the t and shoving their face into my lap. "its okay baby, atleast your cute when you do." i look down at them. playing with their hair as they groan in embarrassment.

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