birthday sex | kelsey x reader

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more kelsey smut for yall.
sub!kelsey x dom!reader

warnings: drug use (weed), smut, thigh biting, kissing, reader eats kelsey out, lap grinding, kelsey straps reader, fingering!giving, pet names (mama, honey, baby, pretty girl)

contains plot

today is kelseys 22nd birthday, i got her this really good weed. i mean thats what she wanted. i sit on the bed waiting for her to come home. her parents, well parent wanted to see her so she went to their house. she really wanted me to come but her parents thought she "turned straight" whatever that means. kelsey being straight? i cannot see that one bit. they also dont know she went to prison so if they ask where we met it would be akaward

kelseys on her way home now, shes around 10 minutes away and i get an idea. i walk into our room and open up my drawer, i pull out kelseys favourite set of mine and i slip on the underwear and put my sweatpants back on. taking my current bra off and putting the red lacy one on.

"baby!" i hear from outside the room. "im home!" she yells. "coming!" i yell back walking out the room and i walk over to her. wrapping my arms around her neck. going on my tip toes to place a kiss on her lips. her hands go down to my lower back. we pull away, "so how did seeing your mom go?" i ask softly. "well she tried acting like she didnt do anything wrong and dericks a little perverted. he kept staring at my ass." she says.

"are you serious?" i ask and she nods. "so weird." i say chuckling. "i mean he always has been. when i was going through puberty at like 13 he did it then too." she chuckles. "what the fuck" i laugh. "i dont even know." she smiles.

three hours later now 9pm.

me and kelsey ate dinner around 1 hour ago and now where watching tv on the bed. she starts getting touchy and she slips her hand under my shirt. putting her face in my chest. "whats wrong baby?" i say combing her hair with my fingers. "nothing" she says, it being muffled by my shirt.

she pulls away from my chest and lays down on her back. "i have something for you" i say and she smiles. "what is it?" she says. "hold on." i say getting up and looking in my nightstand drawer. i pull out a clear plastic bag with weed in it. "you did not.." she say as i toss it to her.

"babyyy" she says catching it. "honeyyy?" she says with a sweet tone that id never thought id here coming out of kelseys mouth. "mhmm?" i hum.
"can you please please please get me my rolling paper and lighter....?" she asks. "of course" i reply in the same tone, i walk back to the room after grabbing it..

2 hours later we are absolutely baked, everythings cleaned up and were talking about random shit and laughing.

"this is like the best birthday ive ever had" she giggles and throws her head back. "mhm well there's something even better" i say. "like what." she says looking at me.

she lays down with her head leaning against her pillow. i straddle her lap and she places her hands on my hips. i grab the hem of my shirt and pull it off, exposing my boobs that fit perfectly in my bra. "woahh" she mumbles like shes never seen my boobs before.

i lean down and kiss her putting my hands on the sides of her face. her hands still on my hips. she groans softly against my lips.

"y/n.." she says as i pull away. her hands move to my thighs. i grind on her, looking at her for permission to unbutton her jeans. "yea go ahead" she says. i unbutton her pants and lift up my leg to slide my sweatpants down. leaving myself in my lacey panties.

kelsey almost moans at the sight of me, throwing her head back. "y/n" she groans. i start to grind on her.

i get off her and move down, pulling her jeans and pants down fully. "is this okay?" i ask her softly.
"yeah.. y/n i need you so bad.." she says sounding high, which she quite literally is.

i spread her legs and a place kisses on her inner thighs. she reaches her hand down to my hair, combing her fingers through it.

i move to her center, spreading her folds with my two fingers. she puts her legs over my shoulders and wraps them around my head. basically locking me in, but im not complaining one bit. i wrap my arms around her thighs.

i spread her folds with my two fingers once again. i start to eat her out and look up at her. i pull away and insert my two middle fingers into her sopping hole.

"if i knew you got this wet when i grinded on you id do it more often.." i say fully inserting them curling them back and forth. "oh fuck!" she moans.

"so fucking tight.." i say. shes only tight because she's the dominant one half the time. i lean back down to eat her out, fingering her at the same time.

"y/n im gonna cum im gonna cum fuck dont stop dont stop" she groans. "cum for me baby" i say. she cums all over my fingers, i pull out and licking them clean.

i go back down on her, flicking my tongue on her clit.
her legs start to shake and almost shut. i bite her thigh softly just so they open back up. she giggles at the bite, i dont know if it tickled her or hurt her, considering she laughed it probably tickled.

"let me strap you please" she says. "but its your birthday." i say rolling off her and falling next to her. she slips her boxers back on and walks over "and this is exactly what i want for it." she says pulling out her 8 inch solid black strap. "you want to fuck me for your birthday?" i ask. "yep" she says.

she slides on and walks over to me. i sit up as she kneels in front of me. face to face with her boobs, i look up at her and i start to stroke the silicon cock. keeping eye contact while doing so.

she leans down to kiss me. i lean back and kiss her back. she pushes me back on the bed softly, still kissing me, while kissing me she pulls my pants down. she pulls away and a string of our mixed spit connects to our lips, breaking once she pulls away fully. she aligns the tip with my entrance and slowly pushes it in. "mmm fuck" i throw my head back.

"hm? does that feel good?" she asks. "fuck yes..." i groan. she starts thrusting in and out. pounding on my g-spot. "oh fuck kelsey.. im gonna cum.." i moan. "cum for me mama.." she says and i do. "yeah pretty girl.. just like that.." she says, still thrusting into me.
putting my leg over her shoulder and holding my other one against her waist

she pulls out. "your alright?" she asks. "im more than alright." i say catching my breath. she takes it off and puts it back in the drawer, obviously after cleaning it.

10 minutes later. (11:12 PM)

me and kelsey are in the shower, i insisted on washing her hair because it was getting dirty, as im putting the soap in her hair. since im in front of her i catch her staring at me, in complete admiration. "okay tilt your head back honey" i tell her softly. reaching up to grab the deattachable shower head. she tilts her head back and i rinse her hair.

kelsey always acts so tough but in reality its just a child who didnt get enough attention or affection from her parents.

i noticed her waterline eyeliner smudging. once im done rinsing her hair i reattach the shower head and wipe it off under her eyes. "babyy i was trying to look like rodrick heffleyy" her british accent making it 10x as funnier. "well you can look like him another day. i say turning off the shower and reaching up to get the towels that were hanging on the shower rod. handing kelsey hers and putting mine around my body.

we exit the bathroom and walk back to our room. and walk over to my dresser, drying off and putting clothes on, leaving myself in sweatpants and a bra. kelsey doing the same but she has a shirt and sweatpants on.

i lay on the bed and so does she, she scoots closer to me and wraps her arms around my waist. putting her face in my chest, already falling asleep.

"happy birthday baby. i love you." i whisper before going to sleep myself

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