them on their periods

495 8 17

warning: one mention of sex on kelseys preference

- super clingy
- wants to cuddle you 24/7
- they obviously still function like normal just SO CLINGY

- horny. so fucking horny
- "please baby" "kelsey im not eating you out while your on your period" "okay fine" she says while fake pouting (she wasnt forcing you you guys where playing around)
- you cave in and you atleast finger her
- clingy
- your always holding her when yall cuddle
- her head in your neck and you playing with her hair
- moody
- while you guys are cuddling: "your such a baby" "no im not."

- nothing really changes
- she does get a little clingy

- nobody knows besides you because she doesnt wanna get married
-  she wants to spend every second of the day with you
- i mean she always does but she literally follows you around like a lost dog

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