stressed | k.m

459 6 15

warnings: strap, fingering + head!giving, petnames, hair pulling, dom!reader x sub!kelsey, cursing, established relationship (gf & gf)


kelsey has been unreasonably mad lately. she's definitely a bit stressed. i cleaned the house while she was at work and took care of daniel of course. when she came home she was a bit happier but she was still stressed.

i work from home because daniels not in school yet, hes only two and we havent found a nursery for him yet.


i place my hands hips as a kiss her softly. "how was work?" i ask after i pulled away. "oh so their was this one costumer who has to be the stupidest person ive ever met." she explains softly. "what happened?" i ask curiously.

"so i did her nails exactly like how she wanted them right? exactly like the picture she showed me, she picked out the colors and everything. so i do her nails and after their dry she looks at them and tells me thats not the right color, as if i picked out the color. so i was like 'well miss you did pick out those exact colors. and she was sitting here trying to tell me that i switched out the colors and it was just so crazy."

"what the fuck" i chuckle. "yeah. anyways, wheres daniel?" she asks, as if on cue daniel runs into the room shouting "mummy mummy!!" kelsey smiles softly at him and picks him up. "hi sweetheart" she says. kissing his forehead and putting him back down.

9:36 pm

after i put daniel to bed kelsey was having some bad mood swings. i mean she was sassy and she had a bad attitude. we lay on the bed, were watching kelseys favorite tv show. shes acting strange. "kels whats wrong?" i ask, sitting up and running my hand up and down her thigh. "nothing" she replies. "kelsey please tell me"

"im fine oh my god" she says. "fine then" i say.


"fuck y/n!" she whines as i eat her out. she throws her head back. i suck on her clit, lapping my tounge around her folds. kelseys whimpers and moans filling the room. she tugs at my hair and her thighs tense up around my head. she whines and groans "y/n please dont stop... oh fuckk" she moans. "feels so good- oh shit.." she whispers.

"babe" she groans lowly. "im gonna cum"

i insert my fingers inside her entrance and slowly curl them against her walls. she groans loudly and slaps her hand over her mouth. "dont cum until i say so alright?" i mumble against her pussy.

she nods, her legs start shaking and her whimpers get faster. her back arches slightly and she pulls my hair in pleasure."you can cum now." i say, she cums almost immediately i help her ride out her orgasm.

i look at her. beads of sweat on her forehead, her hair messily pulled back, "so fucking pretty" i say, leaning down to roughly kiss her. i run my hands up and down her bare sides, moving my left hand to the side of her neck.

we slowly make out for a while. i pull away and reach over to her nightstand. i open the drawer and pull out the strap, the 8 inch solid black silicon strap. i slid it on and adjusted it on my hips.

"you ready princess?" i ask, lining up the tip with her entrance. "mhm" she nods. i push it in all the way, she lets out a soft moan. i place my hands on her waist and thrust into her soaking pussy. i notice she starts to loose eye contact with me.

"keep your eyes on me sweetheart." i say, moving her head to look at me agan. "thats it. you look so pretty babygirl" i say while thrusting into her still, she was groaning and moaning, she propped herself up with her elbows to look down at the strap pounding into her. she looks at me and i lean towards her to plant kisses on her lips, trailing down to her jaw.

"oh god.." she whispers. her hand moves down to touch herself. i softly grab her wrist and move it away so i could do it myself. rubbing at her clit and pounding into her, her low moans filled the room as she reached her high.

"you feel so fucking good.." i groan. "i cant take it" she whines. "yes you can honey.."

"it feels so good... i cant do it" she whines again. "your doing good babygirl" i praise her. shes squirming beneath me, i pound into her more roughly, hitting her g-spot.

i pull out of her, i tap her thigh twice, "cmon, flip over baby" i say gently, she turns on her stomach and props herself up with her elbows and knees, her back arched and her chest pressed against the bed, her ass up.

i tease her with the tip gently, rubbing it against her folds and slowly pushing it inside her.

she groans softly into the pillow. i grab onto her hips and thrust in and out, i grab the flesh on her ass then move back to her hips.

"fuck.. you look so good like this.." i whisper. i notice she tried rubbing her clit so i grabbed both of her hands and held them behind her back. "oh my god fuck!" she moans into the pillow. with every thrust she moans.

"kels you gotta be quiet baby.. cant wake up daniel.." i say gently, running my hand up and down her thigh. "im sorry.." she says. "its okay babygirl" i say,. starting to thrust back into her. "im about to cum" she whimpers

"go ahead" i say. she does, she collapsed back onto her back and looked at me. "let me clean you up"


kelsey lays on me after i cleaned her up and got her dressed again. "you did so good baby" i praise her, running my hand up and down her back.

she hums in response, "i love you" i whisper. i feel her smile against my neck. "i love you too" she mumbles against it.

"are you tired?" i ask, she nods. i pull the covers over us. i scratch her head, play with her hair and draw invisible shapes on her back to sooth her so she can fall asleep. "can i get a kiss before i go to sleep?" she asks, lifting her head up from my neck. "of course baby" i say, she lesns in and places a soft kiss on my lips before lying back down to rest.

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