elevator | bella x reader

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this is based of off a instagram reel i saw which will be linked in the comments.

warnings: heavy making out, NO smut, bella wearing that white button up and the black jeans. (w the doc martins)

bella and reader are 20 years old.


me and bella just got back to our hotel after the TIME premiere, i was their partner. bella doesnt seem to be tired. im not ethier but i would like to get some sleep tonight.

we walk into the elevator, nobody else in it. earlier it took really long to get to our floor, like atleast 3 minutes. this is the same elevator we took earlier so its probably going to happen again. bella presses some buttons then steps back.

even though theres nobody in the elevator bella gets protective of me, they grip onto my hips. i turn around to face bella, looking up at them.

"what?" they smile softly looking me up and down. their hands trailing up to my waist. i place my hands on either side of their neck, leaning in and placing a kiss on their lips, they kiss back, tilting their head to the side slightly to deepen the kiss.

they place the right hand on the small of my back, their other hands sliding on my waist and moving to my neck.

my palm on their neck and my fingertips on their jaw, they roughly but passionately make out with me, they slide their tongue on the bottom of my lip, asking for permission, i grant it by opening my mouth slightly. their tongue explores my mouth as my hand tangles in their hair.

they pull away gor a breather, with no time wasted they kiss me again. "fuck..bella.." i moan quietly, their hand going up to the side of my neck and wrapping their other arm around me.

they pull away from the kiss and just as if on cue the elevator opens. they let out a breathly chuckle and then pecking my lips softly, taking my hand and walking out the elevator, im walking next to them, fingers intertwined, i look at them every few seconds and smile.

i love this person so much and they dont even know

Pictures Of You - Bella Ramsey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now