dealer | kelsey x reader

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requested by: sw1ftsfilms

warnings: smut but its not like normal smut it doesnt last very long, drug use, kelsey getting high

dealer - lana del rey

your pov:
kelseys out again, she always leaves at night to go to adams house and get insanely high with him. adams her dealer. more of a friend.

its around 2 in the morning and i cant sleep. all i want to do is see my girlfriend and go to sleep. well i definitely saw my girlfriend but not in the condition i wanted her to be in.

nobodys pov:
"y/n im fine" she says as she places her hands on your waist, wanting more than just going to sleep. you dont want to have sex. but your thinking about giving in just so kelsey will go to sleep.

"kelsey lets just go to bed yea?" you ask hopeful she will agree. "im horny" she blurts out.

your pov:

of fucking course. she miswell just start fucking adam. i sigh in annoyance, walking out of the room and into me and kelseys bedroom.

she quickly follows behind me, "y/n please babe"
she stops me by putting her hands on my waist, turning my around and attaching her lips to my neck.
sucking red spots around it.

"kelsey-" i tangle my hand in her hair.

"kels-" i start to say. "its fine baby" she says. "i dont want to-" i say but she doesnt hear me and continues to suck red now purple spots on my neck.

she moves down to my pants, pulling them down and placing kisses on my inner thighs.

kelseys pov:

im not thinking about anything other than the fact how i want this girl to be screaming my name right now, as i kiss her neck i can feel her get antsy, i thought it was because the kisses where tickling her neck. everything that i may hear is tuned out. im just focused on making y/n feel good.

your pov:

"kelsey st-" i try to say but its like she cant hear me. "kelsey!" i finally push her away.

"whats wrong?" she asks me. i look at her in disbelief, i dont know how to feel so i walk right past her and into the bathroom where i shut the door and sit against it. so she cant come in.

i know she wasnt trying to ignore me. she just got out of hand and couldn't control herself. thats how she usually is when she gets super high. she gets insanely horny and starts tuning things out. only getting focused on what she wants to do and not how other person feels.

"y/n im sorry" i hear her say. i decide to ignore her and not give in to fast. i want her to actually realize that her actions have consequences and she needs to learn from them.

"y/n please im sorry" i stand up. opening the door slowly to see kelsey standing in front of it. she immediately hugs me.

"im sorry babe please don't be mad at me."

kelseys pov:

i didnt want this to happen. i love y/n alot and i dont want her to leave me over something like this. sometimes whenever i get high i forget about things.
i forget about how people actually have feelings and arent just there.

i love y/n, i really do.

she doesnt hug me back. i understand why. "im sorry y/n" i just want her to forgive me so bad. "i love you so much"

"if you loved me you wouldve stopped." she says. my heart drops. i pull away from the hug and i look at her.

"i didnt mea-" i say. "kelsey stop" she says.

i fucking hate myself for this. does this count as sexual assault? i never wanted to hurt y/n and shes going to look at me differently forever. i dont know if this will stick to her. i just want to make sure shes okay.

"y/n im sorry. i love you so much and the last thing i wanted to do was hurt you. i love you so much and i just want to make sure your okay. please tell me your okay."

"im not okay kelsey. just leave me be for a bit okay.?" she says and i nod. she walks past me. i watch her go into the living room and lie down on the couch.

4:23 AM. your pov:

i wake up on the couch. i sit up and walk into me and kelseys bedroom. i see her sleeping on her side. i walk closer to her and look at her face for a while. i notice the dried tears on her cheeks.

i walk to my side of the bed. laying down next to her and pulling the comforter over us. she turns around.

"y/n?" she says softly. i dont say anything but i just hug her. we lay in eachothers presence before i speak up.

"yea?" i reply. "are you still mad at me?" she asks.

"im still upset. but im not mad." i say. "im sorry" she says.

"its alright."


im sorry if that actually sucked i tried my best lmaoao


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