ride with it | kelsey x reader **

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warnings: kelsey hitting it from the back, petnames, mommy kink (sorry for copying u nevaeh), good girl petname use, praise kink, fingering!receiving, overstimulation

dom mommy!kelsey x sub!reader


"keep making those pretty sounds for me baby" kelsey says as she thrusts in and out of me, who is bent over the bathroom counter. "fuck!" i moan.

the counter is cold, the tension between me and kelsey isnt, "right there kels.." i whimper.

"being such a good girl for me hm?" she says sweetly. "mhm.." i hum. "words baby"

"yes..." i whimper as she hits my g-spot

"dont stop.. dont fucking stop... im gonna fucking cum..." i moan. "cum when i tell you too ok?" she says. pounding harder into me. "kelsey i cant take it" i say, feeling pleasure tears form in my eyes. "yes you can baby.. your so close honey.." she says throwing her head back.

"you can cum now." kelsey says causing the coil in me snap and cum all over the 8 inch dick.
"kelsey oh!" i moan her name so so loud.

she pulls out and turns me around, i wrap my arms around her neck, her hand sliding up and down my back. softly rubbing circles in the middle.

"you did so good baby.. so so good." she tells me. "so good.." she praises me.

"lets get you cleaned up ok?" she says and i nod.

were in the shower, sitting down on the bathtub floor. kelseys behind me, hugging me from behind with her head on my shoulder. were just enjoying eachothers company as the shower runs. kelseys hand runs down my stomach and on my thigh. rubbing it softly as she glides it up to my heat. "can i do this?" she asks. "mhm yea" i reply leaning back slightly. she slips her two fingers in, her other hand trails up to my boob, massaging it softly. "oh" i moan softly.

she curls her fingers against my walls, kissing my neck while doing so. making me overstimulated by all the pleasure.

"doing so well hm?" she says inbetween kisses. "mhm fuck.. kelsey..." i moan. "kelsey?" she questions. stopping everything shes doing. "mommy fuck.." i say, face burning from embarrassment.

"is my pretty girl embarrassed?" she says fasting her fingers. "N..No" i stutter. "oh fuck" i moan., throwing my head back.

"kelsey ohhh" i moan out, grinding against her fingers. "eager are we?" "mhm" i moan

"i wanna cum..." i whimper, "you can cum baby, whenever your ready." she says sweetly.

i cum all over her fingers, moaning loudly while doing so.

"well looks like were gonna have to clean you up again..."

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