oh fuck you >bella ramsey<

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TW: chavs, bodyshaming
longish detailed imagine because im super bored

me and bella are going out today, while bellas still sleeping as it is only 7:34am i decided too get out of bed and take a shower, i hear bella growning because i got out of bed "shh" i say too them, "no come back" they say dragging out the k. "hmm.. no." i say back, "y/nnnn" they say too me like a clingy child.
"baby i wanna take a shower" i tell them. "can i come?" they say jokeigly, i think. "No bella" i say and giggle. "y/nn" i hear them say as i walk into the bathroom.

i got out of the shower around 7:58 and i walked out the bathroom in my underwear and bra too see bella crisscrossed on the bed looking at their phone, thank God they didnt look up or else we wouldnt be even leaving the house till 3, i walked over too my dresser and picked out baggy black jeans. i wanted too wear something like a tank top because it was a little hot, so i picked out a beige one with a tiny bow in the middle.

as im buttoning my jeans i feel hands on my waist, i smile knowing who it is, their hands are slowly moving higher too my bra hooks, "Bella!" i say making them flinch and remove their hands fast. "i was just fixing it. it got twisted, you know?" they lied, "mhm suree" i say as i put on the shirt.

bella got ready and we are now walking out the door, around 30 minutes later of me and bella rambling on about anything that came to mind and walking, "right, and the-" i get cut off as i hear laughing coming from behind me and bella. i turn around and its a group of girls, some of them holding vapes in their hands.

"anyways.." i say thinking that their laughing at their own conversation. "that girl in the tanktop is so fucking ugly.." i hear from behind me. my smile fades. "oh" i mumble, "hey bella?" i catch their attention, "yea babe?" they reply. "im sorry but can i please borrow your jacket.." i say covers my stomach with my folded arms, "of course" they say while smiling and taking it off. they hand it too me and i put it on. "why do you need it love?" they ask me. "im just cold" i smile
"sweet heart it's so hot" they say "i know but i just got a chill." i reply "alrightt" they say back.

i never told them about it.
sorry guys this is actually ass 💔

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