please dont say you love me..

719 7 17

TW: sad, cheating

disclaimer: i know bella would never do anything like this, its just for the story


bella has been quite distant lately. i dont know what wrong. when i wake up in the morning i barely wake up too bellas face. theyre always gone.

my eyes open from the sleep i was just in, i turn around hoping too see bella, No. i see a plain, white wall. i get up from the bed too look around the house too see if bellas even here. No.

I pick up my phone and went on messages, i clicked on bellas contact and typed out "hi baby, just checking in. where did you go? 💓" i type out and quickly hit send before i try too change anything.

i walked into the bathroom. staring at myself in the mirror. i hated the reflection. my phone buzzed. i excitedly picked it up, it was bella. "hey i went too samanthas house. ill be back around 6" the blue text bubble read, my smile faded as i read the word "samantha" tears were filling my eyes.

i went too our room and i broke down. what did i do too deserve this? i barely see them anymore. i want my partner back. i hear a collar rattling. i smile knowing what it was. the black cat walks too me. rest its head on my lap. "hi baby." i mumble smiling.

*time skip*

its now 6:56pm. bella isnt home. minutes go by until its 7. i hear keys in the door and i quickly wipe my tears and peak out the hallway. seeing bella walk in the door. and speed walk back into the bedroom and sit at my desk acting like im doing something.

bella enters the room. "hey." i mumble. no response, i look at them. i noticed the sweat on their forehead, i noticed their hair was up, them being visibly sleepy. different things cross my mind as what them and samantha were doing. No, No. bella wouldnt do that. "helloo?" i say hoping for a response. "what?" they reply rudely.
"oh i was just wondering if you had a good day?" i ask nicely. "yea i guess." they said back. "oh okay" their blank words hurt me.

around ten minutes later i get into my bed. i get on instagram and see a new post from bellas spam account for friends and family, it was a picture of them and samantha. samanthas head was on their chest bellas face cropped out the frame.

tears fill my eyes. that used to be me.


hey guys def didnt cry while writing this, um anyways im in the mood too write rn so should i make a part 2? 💓

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