i bet on losing dogs | kelsey x reader

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TW: loud arguing with a small child in the house, anger issued!kelsey, mentions of childhood trauma such as verbal/physical abuse

Disclaimer: I am not romanticizing verbal abuse in relationships!!! It's literally just a normal argument. "anger issued!kelsey" means she just got mad fast she didn't hit you or anything.

Summary: you accidentally bring up something traumatic from your childhood that you didn't realize Kelsey related to and also didn't realize she was still stuck on it.


Me and Kelsey don't argue, we literally have never argued in our whole marriage. Tonight was different, I had brought up something traumatic from my childhood that I didn't realize also existed in Kelsey's.

Me and Kelsey are sitting on the couch, my legs tangled with hers and were just talking.

"I mean my dad used to hit me.." I say chuckling because that's how I cope with trauma, i make jokes out of it. Acting like it's nothing but it genuinely hurts.
Usually Kelsey would laugh and add on to the joke but she didn't, she stared at me like I was crazy, like we haven't laughed about shit like this more than multiple times.

"What?" I ask, my smile fading as she looks at me wide eyed, "why would you say that?" she asks, looking like tears are about to come flooding down.

"I didn't mean it like that I jus-" I say but get cut off. "then how did you mean it y/n??" She says standing up. "i was just joking about my trau-" I try to say.

She starts breathing at a fast pace, "baby I didn't know" I say standing up, walking towards her.
"No." She says. "No. you did know, I've told you ever single bit of my trauma and you just throw that out there like it's nothing" she yells and i back away.
"I'm sorry.." i say softly.

"No your fucking not y/n! If you we're sorry you wouldn't have said that in the first place!" she yells stepping closer.

Out of the corner of my eye I see our 3 year old daughter, salem. Standing in the doorway, i just know this moment is going to stick to her forever.

"I didn't know you'd take it like that! Im sorry! You usually laugh about that type of shit I didn't fucking know! im sorry.." i yell back and Kelsey walks out the front door. Leaving me standing there, in the dark living room illuminated by a lamp in the corner.

"mommy?" I hear and small voice say from behind me. I turn around in pure fear. "yeah baby?" I say, the tension in my body leaving. "where did mama go?" She asks

"I don't know honey." I say, i single tear falling down my face.

Its now 2am, Kelsey's still not home, salems sleeping silently in front of me, im laying on my side in the pitch black room. Eyes wide open scared that if I close them I'll fall asleep and I'll wake up to horrible news like my wife jumped off a cliff of something.

I hear the front door open and close softly. I sit up and stand up looking at the shadow like figure who appeared to be Kelsey.

"hey.." she says softly with a slight rasp. "hi.." I say back. Walk closer to her and quickly wrap my arms around her neck, having to slightly stand on my tiptoes, she wraps her arms around my waist. I take in her scent of cigarettes which she didn't smell like before this happened.

"I'm sorry." I whisper softly into her neck.

"it's okay, i didnt mean to yell at you like that I'm so sorry baby. It just all came back at once and I was stressing out." She says pulling away from the hug. Causing my arms to slip down, clinging my hands onto either side of her neck. "It's okay baby" I say leaning up to place a small kiss on her lips, the taste on her lips of cigarettes and chapstick lingering onto my lips.

I lay back down on the bed, the small lamp illuminating the room. on my side watching her as she gets undressed, leaving herself in her black boxers and her graphic tshirt. she walks over to the bed and turns the light off, I feel a dip in the bed and arms around my waist, the arm draping over my stomach and her hand resting on salems stomach. falling into a deep sleep

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